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Urgent help needed - 417 visa


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I want to apply for my WHV. Does anyone know if you have to supply proof of funds during the application (on the Australian government website) or is it just when you enter the country? im to scared to apply until i know for sure as i wont have the money until i have worked over the summer. help!!

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Guest guest73691

A far as I know it's when you enter the country. It should be clear on the application - I don't think it will ask you about that.

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AT the end of the application it asks you to check a box to certify that you have enough funds.....but if im not leaving until december it seems odd that i would need to show proof of the money right now. Also i dont want to lie and say that i have sufficient funds now when i wont have them until i leave

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Guest guest73691

Yes a working holiday visa. It was more than 3 years ago now, so I can't remember what I was/wasn't asked for - it may have changed now anyway. I just did it myself - I don't think it would be worth going through a travel site as I assume they'd add a fee on.

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The "urgent" help is a bit over-stating it when you haven't applied and not planning to go for 11 months. Working Holiday Visas are often granted within hours of application (if straight forward application with no issues). Having sufficient funds is a condition which the Migration Act states must be met at the time that you apply for the Working Holiday Visa, so the application form will ask you to confirm that you have sufficient funds. You have very properly stated that you do not want to lie on the application, so considering that you are not planning on going for another 11 months, and how quickly this visa can be granted, you might want to wait until after the summer when you have saved up sufficient funds to comply with the visa application requirement. Is there some reason why you want to apply so far in advance? (For example turning 31 soon?)

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The "Urgent" catches peoples eye and merely seduces people to take interest in the post prompting more replies....nothing wrong with that surely? The reason i want to apply for the Visa this early is because i have the money for it right now and i want to be organised. Im actually 22...still a young pup :)

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You have to enter Australia within a year of your visa grant so by applying this early you're doing yourself out of a lot of flexibility.


If you're a UK passport holder with no complications (health, convictions, military service etc) the application stands a high probability of being 'auto-granted' immediately. Even if it doesn't receive an auto-grant it's unlikely to take more than a week to be approved, so there's no real reason for completing it now.


I know as a Spurs fan you're probably desperate to leave the country right now though....... :biglaugh:

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I thought it would be best to get it over and done with but i suppose your right. with regards to the spurs comment lets just wait and see who will be laughing at the end of the season!! im going for an Arseholenal fan?? haha COYS

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I thought it would be best to get it over and done with but i suppose your right. with regards to the spurs comment lets just wait and see who will be laughing at the end of the season!! im going for an Arseholenal fan?? haha COYS


Even worse....Chelsea :wink:

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