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From eVisitor visa to partner visa subclass 820.


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Hello everyone,



I hope someone could help with our situation and maybe shed some light.

My girlfriend and I met last year online. I'm in Australia and she is back in Poland.(Funnily enough we were both born in the same country and state. Our family homes are only 10km away from each other as it turned out. Talking about serendipity, hey?) From the first skype chat, we both knew we were meant for each other. I hold an Australian passport and my partner holds a Polish passport with an eVisitor for business purposes visa valid for another 6 months. Last year she came and stayed with me for 2 weeks. After that I went back home to stay with her for 5 weeks and met her family and friends. My question is, instead of wasting time and mony applying for a Fiancé visa; can we apply for partner visa subclass 820 if she comes back to Australia and stays with me for 3 months (eVisitor maximum stay in AU) during which we would get married and apply for visa 820 as a married couple?



We really appreciate any help or tips you can provide us with.

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Technically yes - but as you have only physically been together for 7 weeks, you would need to show a high level of proof that you are in a continuous and genuine relationship.


Being married will waiver the 12 month relationship requirement which generally requires 12 months if cohabitation, but will still need to show a lot of evidence.


The best visa for your situation is the prospective marriage visa, applying for the visa the way you have suggested, you have a high chance of refusal.


You should speak to MARA registered agent for best stratigy, but I would say better to go down the PMV route, which is the visa you are eligible for.

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Hi Lebourvellec,


Thank you very much for your quick reply to my post. When you said lots of evidence, I presume you meant the standard requirements that are required for 820 visa? The thing I don't understand is why apply for two different visas?If we apply for PMV, and when granted we would get married straight after that anyway and then apply for 820 visa. So the evidence of living together, financial aspect, household chores and so will be the same if we choose to get married and apply for 820 from eVisitor visa. Is my way of thinking skewed or it seems like the gov wants to make more money from applying for different visas?

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Is there any way you two could live with one another for 12 months before applying for a partner visa? Can she come over on a working holiday visa or could you go live in Poland for a year and then apply offshore? Would make getting evidenc easier and gives you both a chance at getting to know one another more and see how the relationship goes?

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Hi Lebourvellec,


Thank you very much for your quick reply to my post. When you said lots of evidence, I presume you meant the standard requirements that are required for 820 visa? The thing I don't understand is why apply for two different visas?If we apply for PMV, and when granted we would get married straight after that anyway and then apply for 820 visa. So the evidence of living together, financial aspect, household chores and so will be the same if we choose to get married and apply for 820 from eVisitor visa. Is my way of thinking skewed or it seems like the gov wants to make more money from applying for different visas?

The evidence may be the same but it's the period if time you have been together that will be different, you are not currently or have you been in a defacto relationship therefore you do not qualify for partner visa - being married only waivers the 12 month requirement. You still need to show evidence of you life together - giving a joint bank statement of an account you opened a month before is not showing much for example.


Look again at the partner visa fees


onshore partner visa $4575


offshore PMV $3085

onshore partner for holder of PMV $1145


It is cheaper and the better visa for your situation - going down the other route you have high chance of refusal.


A while ago someone on the forum applied for partner visa - they did not have enough evidence as they had applied offshore they were able to change application to PMV. There is no PMV onshore option.

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Hi Guys,


Thank you for your posts and invaluable advices . We have decided to go with PMV now. Do you guys know if it matters if the sponsor pays the visa application fee?


As far as I know, doesn't matter a jot. I applied for the partner visa last year and hubby (the sponsor) paid for it.

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