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How long after getting health insurance can I make a claim?


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Hi all


I hope some one can help with this question?


I have PR and have been in Australia three years. During this time I have never really thought about getting Health insurance. I've been to the hospital twice using medicare and found the service to be excellent (thankfully).


The other day a had a bad tooth ache and when I looked into the cost of dental treatment in Australia I had realised it was so high.

I decided to put off going to the dentist as the pain has subsided but I was think of getting health insurance this week and going to the dentist next week, would I be able to claim for the cost of the visit or is there a waiting period?





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If they're advertised as 'no wait period' you can claim straight away. If they're not, there will likely be a monthly qualifying period, dependent on provider and service. Some advertise 'no wait period' offers throughout the year to attract new business.

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