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Move cube shipping


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Today our move cube turned up, I don't know why but I thought it was going to be so much hastle!

Infact it couldn't have been any easier, albeit we did a dummy pack in the lounge with a masking tape floor plan.


We had all of our paper work pre-filled ready, and we were loaded in around half an hour, very military precision..

Chappy that dropped it of stayed out of the way in his van, to let us get on with it..


I must say also he was a very nice, polite chap too.

So, so far so good, a big thumbs up to seven seas.


My only gripe, is that it is a relitively new thing, the move cube, so on the website it was saying £495, but when we spoke to them, they said it would be £150 more because we live out of the way! Cornwall..

Shipping Docs-Complete 012.jpg

Shipping Docs-Complete 012.jpg

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Hi, thanks for the post, its really helpful as we're currently considering this as an option. What size is the MoveCube you've shown? Was there any restriction in what you could/couldn't take?


Normal customs regulations will apply with regards to restricted / prohibited items as these are down to customs and not down to the moving company. You can find a list here: http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4369.asp

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FWIW, the extra charge, I think they clarified that for us over the phone. They asked us to confirm we actually lived in the small town/village and not further out from it (explained they could not always get van and trailer to awkward places) and that if it was a long way from their nearest depo there might be an excess charged. I think they travel from Swindon or someplace so going all the way down to Cornwall adds on costs for them. As it was we were not far from a motorway and it was easy access for them so no problems.

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Hi, thanks for the post, its really helpful as we're currently considering this as an option. What size is the MoveCube you've shown? Was there any restriction in what you could/couldn't take?


That looks like a small move cube to me. Our large one pretty much filled that trailer. Just a bit of room round the sides.


And agree with Kirsty above. Read the rules and regs on the website. Also Move cube do run through and check you've not packed the no no's.

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Hi, thanks for the post, its really helpful as we're currently considering this as an option. What size is the MoveCube you've shown? Was there any restriction in what you could/couldn't take?


Hi, it is a small cube, 2 square Metres.

Good value really, considering at the back is my tool box weighing in at 45 Kg.

For just that alone I was getting prices of around £250.

The weight limit in the cube is 1500Kg, that is 1.5 tonnes in real money..I think that's the limit for all cubes, regardless of size..

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Yay , I have lots of those plastic boxes , I will keep for the move!


We decided to use the plastic boxes because we can re-use them at our new house..:biggrin:


There are some big 64L ones at the back, i'm sure they will be great fun filled with water for my 2 year old daughter to sit in on a hot day...


When are you off to Adelaide? we fly out next Thursday..

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Good idea ! Thanks , they are so handy ... And useful I will just keep them in oz too , we are still in early stages so no dates as yet , we are hoping to be there by September 2014 as I don't want our kids to restart the new uk school year really. As soon as my nursing assessment is back (takes min 16 weeks and we are only 7 was in! ) and given the ok I can put in EOI for 189 visa . So things are slow at the moment.


Wow, Good luck with your move , how exciting , where in adelaide are you headed? We are looking at port noarlunga area , it has to be beachy but I may be limited as I want to stay doing critical care nursing and so it depends where I can get a job really as not all hospitals have ICUs

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Yeh joined that site too, but seem to get quicker responses on this site..

Not sure on area yet, depends where I can get a job, don't want too long a commute..

Yes I think responses are quicker here too but I think its probably due to the amount of members pio has. Well good luck job hunting , and I totally understand about not wanting a long commute. I hope it all works out for you :)

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Yeh joined that site too, but seem to get quicker responses on this site..

Not sure on area yet, depends where I can get a job, don't want too long a commute..


General questions to do with migrating will usually always be answered quicker here, far larger amount of people to read and reply. Adelaide specific stuff tends to get more response if posted on our Adelaide site as many who post there don't post here. A few drop in here but it's hit and miss.

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  • 4 months later...


Today our move cube turned up, I don't know why but I thought it was going to be so much hastle!

Infact it couldn't have been any easier, albeit we did a dummy pack in the lounge with a masking tape floor plan.


We had all of our paper work pre-filled ready, and we were loaded in around half an hour, very military precision..

Chappy that dropped it of stayed out of the way in his van, to let us get on with it..


I must say also he was a very nice, polite chap too.

So, so far so good, a big thumbs up to seven seas.


My only gripe, is that it is a relitively new thing, the move cube, so on the website it was saying £495, but when we spoke to them, they said it would be £150 more because we live out of the way! Cornwall..




I am not sure if you will see this given your original posting date but i was just curious how your experience with the move cube went.


We are looking at getting the medium sized one for our journey to Adelaide later this year (no furniture just books, excess clothes, blankets, electronics, kids toys etc) and I am freaking out we wont have enough room (1.87x1.46x1.12 = volume 3m) but from the looks of yours you managed to get a lot in. You said that was the small size right?


If you dont mind me asking, I have a few questions:


Do you recommend packing in plastic boxes or cardboard ones?


How did you find the sevenseas experience and the charges overall?


Did customs/quarantine charge you any extra?


Anything we should definitely do or not do?


I hope all went well with your move and you have settled in Adelaide well.



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I am not sure if you will see this given your original posting date but i was just curious how your experience with the move cube went.


We are looking at getting the medium sized one for our journey to Adelaide later this year (no furniture just books, excess clothes, blankets, electronics, kids toys etc) and I am freaking out we wont have enough room (1.87x1.46x1.12 = volume 3m) but from the looks of yours you managed to get a lot in. You said that was the small size right?


If you dont mind me asking, I have a few questions:


Do you recommend packing in plastic boxes or cardboard ones?


How did you find the sevenseas experience and the charges overall?


Did customs/quarantine charge you any extra?


Anything we should definitely do or not do?


I hope all went well with your move and you have settled in Adelaide well.



Hi there, I did see your reply to the thread, got an email update...


We used plastic boxes just because we thought they would hold out longer, we had

A few on arrival that had broken lids, but that was not due to the boxes being week.

We had initially put heavier boxes at the bottom, but when the crate arrived, before it was even open we asked chappy if customs had been in it, due to having no paper work attached to it from customs he said they had not been in it, and it will be as we packed it in the UK..


Here's the point I'm trying to make, the photo we took of our crate as we finished packing it in Cornwall, was different to when we opened it up here in Adelaide, re packed different too, hence the heavy boxes now on top and breaking the lids.


Of course seven seas denied emptying the crate and re packing it, so that really annoyed me.


There was a customs charge, but we new about that at the start, our inventory was so thorough, the didn't check out stuff..


All in all, apart from the long shipping time as well, I would use them again.

A very professional door to door service..



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Thank you so much for replying.....I always wonder how things go in the end so good to get a response. Sorry your boxes were damaged and I would be pretty annoyed too if that happened to us - especially the lack of acknowledgement from SS!!


I think we will go with plastic boxes just cos cardboard are so easily damaged and it's easier to pack plastic I think - especially with limited space. If a few get damaged it's no great loss provided the items inside aren't damaged :)


most of what I have read about the move cube has been positive so I think we will go with them and keep our fingers crossed.


Cheers again aim for letting me know your experience :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you so much for replying.....I always wonder how things go in the end so good to get a response. Sorry your boxes were damaged and I would be pretty annoyed too if that happened to us - especially the lack of acknowledgement from SS!!


I think we will go with plastic boxes just cos cardboard are so easily damaged and it's easier to pack plastic I think - especially with limited space. If a few get damaged it's no great loss provided the items inside aren't damaged :)


most of what I have read about the move cube has been positive so I think we will go with them and keep our fingers crossed.


Cheers again aim for letting me know your experience :)


Hi Amdaloia,


I have written a detailed review here :




While my experience was not great, I will say that you can fit a LOT of stuff in there, far more than you realise. In terms of sizes, we went for the small one as we marked out and area on the ground, then marked out the medium and realised there was acutally not much more space. Now you might need more space if you have larger items that need the physical room / dimensions but if you pack well, you can get a massive amount in the small cube (see the pictures we too).


Personally we used cardboard boxes and played a little tetris with the spacing but did fill it from floor to celling.

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