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Thoughts on moving to Queensland


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Hi all,

I'm new to this site, so forgive me if this question has been asked before! I live in the U.S. and in the next few years, I'm looking at moving to Queensland. Apart from learning the Visa and all of that jazz (which I have yet to do), I'm hoping you all can help me with a couple questions I have!

For one, I was looking at renting a place while I'm there, except the format of the renting policies is completely foreign to me. If you guys would be kind enough to tell me how that process works, I'd be eternally grateful...


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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to the forum, its lovely to have you here.

Your first priority is to check you are eligible for a visa.

In regards to rentals, you will find agents won't rent you a property until you have seen it, so it usually means you have to find a holiday let, hostel or hotel for a few weeks until you secure a rental. In Queensland they give you the option for 6 or 12 months contracts, the properties are unfurnished but have blinds, cooker and sometimes a dishwasher. To secure a property the agent likes to see you can afford the rent, so either a work contract or a large sum of money in the bank is what you will need.

Any further questions please ask away

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