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AITSL complete


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Cheers :-)


Offices open 6th Jan. Think I have 80 points. Hoping that means a feb invite. :-)


Job hunt!!!!


I am also hoping for an invite in one of the Jan invitation rounds. I'll only have 70 points, but fingers crossed, the AITSL assessment is positive AND arrives in the next few days. Keep me posted with your progress, we really are in the same boat.



Can I ask what subject you teach? What state are you looking to emigrate to?

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We are in the same boat. Yours will come through soon I bet! Then submit your EOI and go from there.


I teach History. But I am Assistant Headteacher. I will be looking to go at a similar level or higher. That will be the hardest part, trying to secure a Leadership post. I have started researching the system in order to be prepared. I am aware I would be a big gamble though. Still, I have a good background and CV so there should be a chance.


As for state, that is also difficult, we haven't decided on one yet. We wanted to be as flexible as possible to help aid the move. We have ruled out WA though.


What about you?

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I teach Business Studies and ICT ( 5 years teaching), currently. My degree is in History so am hoping I can be offering 3 x subjects. I am aware that secondary schools in Oz advertise teaching posts for two subjects and yet neither of the ones I offer seem to go together - I am hoping I can get a clearer idea via a recruiting agency nearer the time.


In regards to states, we are looking either at SA (pull of existing family there) OR VIC. The latter choice is simply ue to us loving the state and Melbourne. Victoria also have ICT teachers listed on their SOL, which I am hoping indicates a need for ICT teachers there. Either way, I too am not picky and want to be as flexible as possible and would consider NSW or WA.


I am currently a HoD in my school but realise I will need to do a few years in OZ before i can move u the ranks again. This process has just been a bit complicated for us as we currently teaching in Koh Samui, Thailand - it means paperwork takes a very long time to reach us or be sent urrgh!! I can not believe how patient this process requires you to e :)

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Wow I bet that is a bit of mission for you. I would be of the opinion that your experience in countries would strengthen any application. But that is my view but one that would be shared by the leadership team I am on (if that helps :)) I would advise that you be ambitious. I have been teaching for 8 years, this is my ninth so I get a few more points for experience I think.


The more I read the more similar our boats are :)


You spoken to any agencies yet?

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I have not plunged into that yet. I think once the invitation is received I will feel a bit more confident looking forward. I know that in VIC the schools like using the local state recruiting agencies but will probably go the full hog and apply on mass. This should be okay for recruiting agencies as you really can only supply them with a generic CV.


For us, it's about getting a job, then look for something more permanent and be more picky later (if needed). I will certainly update you if I get any further info from people that know :)

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