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Struggling to make it to 2 years and deciding on whether Aus is for me or not?


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A large part of the problem I suspect is that you know full well that this man controls your destiny.

For the life of me I will never understand how we as a human race allowed ourselves to be treated so badly by corporates who market us to death and deliver so little, and by this kind of system which is in effect legal human trafficking. It is a totally exploitative system.


I think btw that you mean you have to get to January 2015. If you are so unhappy I would frankly pull the plug. The reason you are continuing is based on a tenuous statement made by an unpleasant man. You are holding on in the hope of a legal situation that will allow you to stay and work in Australia.


You seriously need to weigh up if it is what you really want. I had little affection to be blunt with the calibre of most people I met-but one lovely person assisted me in coming home. I am quite sure that person was not the only decent one in Australia!!!


What I'm trying to say is that if you do not feel an affinity with those you work with, are you going to feel that in general? I did.

IF there is a chance of that, then the pursuance of an end goal might not be worth the angst?


I know it is easy for me to say, but for me personally (OK lads and lassies? the disclaimer), I wasted at least 30 years of my life being where I did not want to be. Work out if it's worth it.


If you believe it is; grin and bear it. If not? start packing. Don't destroy your health on the hope that things may improve; particularly when that is something someone else currently controls.


(Which reminds me: I must ring Bloody Terrible. Known to most as BT).


hey, Scott here. I read this and found it quite scary as some of what you are facing is the same as myself.


I I came to Australia on a holiday working visa, travels for 9 weeks stayed in Melbourne 6 and then got a job. I'm 25 and no degree so wanted the year gap to look somewhat beneficial and stayed in my career from London, claims management - insurance. I done 6 months and the employer offered me sponsorship. I took the offer, went to England and came back for the 12 week wait to get the visa. Granted October.


Before re I left, I had this amazing career planned and nearly a year since starting in Feb (from starting on a HWV) nothing. I don't see the career going anywhere and am really struggling to find someone willing to take over the visa. I'm very lucky to have been so knowers based on 7 years experience and no degree and can't forget that. But the last month I've really questioned what to do. This job doesn't do anything for me and the office stress comes home with me. I have lost all travel buddies and did 6 months ago. 8i have a select few of friends and the n friends of friends but with a struggling social life, still paying debts in England (built up traveling?) so means I can't splash the cash and a job that's well, boring and career less. I'm stuck what to do.


I miss friends and family but don't wanna walk away from the chance I've been given. At 25 with just experience I'm sure people will appreciate that I'm quite lucky. Any works of advice, people who have been there and what happened - I'd be grateful for a few words.




ive arranged a drink on Friday 3rd Jan for a get together hoping to build social connections. If anyone is keen please check out the social section for details.


thanks for taking the time to listen (read) cheers, Scott

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I could have written this one myself - almost at the two year point and its been the most miserable two years of my career - depsite being in the same industry for the past 26 years and the same employers for the past 13 years. We went back to the UK at Christmas and realised we probably want to return so any advice - have we just had a bad run and should we stick it out?

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Seems like banging my head against the brick wall sometimes. Back to work today and it's all waiting for me. I would like PR so that it makes the job hunt easier but am I correct in saying that it's a new 2 year timer on a 457 thus meaning that the clock started October 2013 when granted rather than when I starting working for my place in Feb when I had the Holiday Working Visa? The issue I have is that I don't want to end up hating being in Australia just because of work. I decided to stay for the life style but at the moment, the stress of work stays with me and means the lifestyle is stressful. Maybe it's just a patch but I was wondering if it's something that people have dealt with and what their outcome was.

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I'm in a similar situation although with no problems with the employer except they are known for underpaying. Have a few questions if anyone here could have a go at answering them:


1) How much does the whole process cost? I saw a figure of $10,000 from an earlier post. How did it come to this? Could you do a breakdown?

2) Is it worth looking into a health and police check now so that everything is there in October or is this something that the employer would do?

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Work has been the worst aspect of my life in my 6 Years, ironic when we are all sold this "laid back, work life balance , lifestyle" crock of ----. My view is that Australia doesn't operate any kind of meritocracy , my experience has been that to succeed you must have one or some of the following... Be of a certain ethnicicity (cultures looking after each other) , be overconfident and aggressive, or have some other connection. Very different to the uk where generally I always felt my bosses were there because they had performed well at every level and had made slow and steady progress to reach their position.

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So you're basically here raking it in, but when it gets tougher off you toddle?


Yes raking it in and also paying all those higher rate taxes that go along with a good salary, and yet taking NOTHING out of the system they are paying into (apart from child education depending on what state they are in).

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Thank you for your replies people. Sorry I did mean to say January 2014.


I have called DIAC and the gentlemen advised me that should I be granted the PR there would be no legal reason why I couldn't quit straight away however I would have to check the conditions mentioned on my employment contract. What worries me is if prior to applying for PR, my boss tries to renegotiate my contract based on a 2 year period or something like that, which will then leave me with no choice but resign and leave the country.


Unfortunately I do not meet the skill requirements for the 186 Visa so my only option for PR is the transition stream. It is also 'incredibly' unlikely I would be able to find another sponsor due to the specific nature of my job.


Peccavi you're the second person whom I've discussed this with that stated their time here was 'wasted' in one way or another, which is something that troubles me. I currently feel like Australia is not the place I want to raise my children, buy a house or die but then I believe my judgement is clouded by my current work life.


In support of sticking it out, I have fear of an unsuccessful return to the UK after being away for 5 years i.e. no job opportunities, trouble re-adjusting to the crap weather etc etc. I also can't stop thinking 'I'd be stupid to give up the chance of PR'. I'm not sure if this is the Australian Utopia belief of some people affecting my decision or just general nervousness of failing in the UK, but those age old questions about job opportunities, weather and so on are constantly in my mind.


Thanks again for your time people, it is much appreciated.




If it is unlikely that you will get another sponsor because of the specific nature of your work, how likely is it that, should you get PR, you will be able to find a job with another employer (even without sponsorship)?


I just ask because if you are unhappy, you will want to leave your current employer, but you need to think what will happen next? Where will you work? What will you do?


Have you thought about this?

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