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Immigrating on my qualifications can my husband enter Australia before me on a tourist visa?


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can anyone tell me if my husband and I are immigrating to Oz on my qualifications, is it possible for him to enter Australia before me?

Or do we have to enter Australia together?

I was thinking of sending him over on a tourist visa so that he can be finding us somewhere to live. Is this allowed?

I also have an older daughter who is coming to Oz on a work visa will she be able to stay permanently as we should be in Oz sometime in 2015?

If anyone has the answers please let me know


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Agree with the above. What visa type are you applying for? How old is your daughter and if she qualified in anything that is on the skills list? If she is going to Aus on a WHV her options to remain once the time is up are limited. If she is eligible she could go on your application now but you'd need to do your homework on that. So give us more workable info to go on please :)


I don't think your husband going ahead on a tourist visa will get you anywhere re renting as agents will be looking for people with a TR work or PR visa to let to.


I'd wait till both your visas have been granted and go over together or at least once he has more than a tourist visa under his belt.

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I am just not sure if my husband will be allowed into Oz before me on a tourist visa


Before of after you visa has been granted? If he applies for a tourist visa after your 189 has been granted it can cancel the 189 - so don't do that. He can go ahead of you on the 189 visa providing it doesn't say on his visa grant "must not enter before".

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I really would wait for the 189 to be granted, then your husband could come over before you.

Your daughter can't stay on your visa. She would need to find an employer willing to sponsor her. She is lucky he has a profession where this is possible. State sponsorship may also be an option, depending on if the state you end up in want hairdressers or not. She would need a positive skills assessment for that one.

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I am coming to Oz on a skilled independent visa 189, my daughter is 26 and not on my visa as a dependent.


I am just not sure if my husband will be allowed into Oz before me on a tourist visa


Why would your husband be on a tourist visa? He should have a 189 visa same as you.. if you have it yet that is. I don think there is much point in him going ahead of you on a tourist visa assuming you are still waiting for the 189, employers won't be interested and event rentals wil be hard to secure without the right visa.


Once you do get the 189 or if you have it already, then you need to look at your individual visa to see if there is a restriction over who must travel first. Sometimes there is and sometimes there is not.

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