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Moved to Warnbro,W.A,from Putney but miss London so much

Neil Partner

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no nor would I say perth is dull ....the view from kings park over the swan is simply stunning ....a new clean city with great weather. ( most of the time ) ....but if someone starts having a dig at the u.k , which I feel is unfair , expect a reply


Not sure what the view from Kings Park has to do with if Perth is or isn't dull. Nor a new, specky clean city for that matter. And if it is or isn't it doesn't matter a lot as both sides has entrenched views on the matter.

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I moved from Southfields to Melbourne about a year ago, and completely understand where you are coming from.


The main things I miss are friends and family (standard), the variety of things to do, the ease of getting around on public transport, having places like Barcelona, Santorini, and Munich only a couple of hours away, and the dry sense of humour of most people.


I have only been to Perth for a weekend, the friends I stayed with live in Fremantle which seemed like a great spot, and Perth in general seemed like a great spot. But that was just before Christmas when the cricket was on do there was a real buzz everywhere. Whether it's like that all the time I don't know, but from my experience of Melbourne I would guess not. My old boss and his wife were going to move to Perth some years ago, sold their house in Richmond, got to Perth and the place was buzzing because Coldplay had announced they would play there the following year as part of their world tour. They were immediate concerned that if that was deemed something to get excited about then they might get a bit bored. There was probably more to it but that's his anecdote.


I very nearly went home after a couple of months but decided to stick it out and treat it as a year long adventure, and I must admit I feel a lot more positive about Melbourne than I did initially. Eventually finding a job helped, as has joining a local team. Summer has been great and I'm glad I stayed but when another 6 months of winter is on the horizon I expect I will be of the opinion that I might as well be in London.


The bottom line is that everyone is different, the world would be a boring place otherwise. I grew up in a small town in Wiltshire and had I moved straight from there to Melbourne I'd probably think it was such a buzzing metropolis. If I had young family I would probably think suburban Melbourne was a lot better than suburban London. There is little point listening to others.

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I moved from Southfields to Melbourne about a year ago, and completely understand where you are coming from.


The main things I miss are friends and family (standard), the variety of things to do, the ease of getting around on public transport, having places like Barcelona, Santorini, and Munich only a couple of hours away, and the dry sense of humour of most people.


I have only been to Perth for a weekend, the friends I stayed with live in Fremantle which seemed like a great spot, and Perth in general seemed like a great spot. But that was just before Christmas when the cricket was on do there was a real buzz everywhere. Whether it's like that all the time I don't know, but from my experience of Melbourne I would guess not. My old boss and his wife were going to move to Perth some years ago, sold their house in Richmond, got to Perth and the place was buzzing because Coldplay had announced they would play there the following year as part of their world tour. They were immediate concerned that if that was deemed something to get excited about then they might get a bit bored. There was probably more to it but that's his anecdote.


I very nearly went home after a couple of months but decided to stick it out and treat it as a year long adventure, and I must admit I feel a lot more positive about Melbourne than I did initially. Eventually finding a job helped, as has joining a local team. Summer has been great and I'm glad I stayed but when another 6 months of winter is on the horizon I expect I will be of the opinion that I might as well be in London.


The bottom line is that everyone is different, the world would be a boring place otherwise. I grew up in a small town in Wiltshire and had I moved straight from there to Melbourne I'd probably think it was such a buzzing metropolis. If I had young family I would probably think suburban Melbourne was a lot better than suburban London. There is little point listening to others.


The cricket did add to the buzz but the centre has picked up in recent years. Meanwhile Fremantle has gone backwards in my view and seems a shadow of its 90's self.

A big difference between life in Europe/UK is accessibility to other centres of interest/countries. It can feel rather restrictive with the choice available close at hand in WA in comparison.

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  • 3 weeks later...

London/Perth as above people state r completely different worlds, i love london but I don't have a family. Even when people move out of London in England it leaves a massive hole and u get all nostalgic about ur London days! I feel ur pain but just remember the aspects of family life u want and get out of being in Perth. It is a great place for the outdoor lifestyle while kids are young. Happy thoughts

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