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Which council would you recommend for the citizenship ceremony ?


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Which council would you recommend for the citizenship ceremony ?


In my council I would need to wait many months because there is long, very long waiting list.


I was thinking in moving to another council area.


I live in a suburb of Sydney.


The city of Sydney seems a good council but the rents are too expensive.


Which council would you recommend ?






Also: Can one change council for the citizenship ceremony ? I was reading comments by other persons that that is not allowed.

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I would not have thought there is much point moving to another council area, just for the sake of your citizenship ceremony. Does it really matter if you have to wait a few more months?


[h=1]Attending your citizenship ceremony[/h]For most people, the final step in becoming an Australian citizen is making the pledge of commitment. Once your application has been approved arrangements will be made for you to attend a citizenship ceremony where you will make the Pledge. Making the Pledge is the final legal requirement to become an Australian citizen. Most ceremonies are arranged by your local council. Generally, it takes three to six months from the time your application is approved to be invited to a ceremony. You will receive a letter of invitation from either your local council or the department.

If you need to change the date of your ceremony the department can generally accommodate you but you will need to let the department know as soon as possible.

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