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Ok so here's the thing.... Hubby re took the IELTS and missed out by 1 mark again

results : L:8 S:9 W:8 R:7.... We needed 8's to get enough points as we are sitting on 55pts.... I'm getting conflicting info from people and wondered if anyone knows the answer....

husband ( electrician ) me (hairdresser) can we claim 5 pts for partner skills to make the 60? We want to move to QLD on a 190....


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Hi Catkins,


Partner skills points can be obtained if the partner:


1) Gets a positive skills assessment in the occupation (TRA in your case)

2) Has competent English

3) The occupation is on the same occupation list as the main applicant's nominated occupation


You'll have to weigh up whether it's worth going down that route because the TRA assessment is expensive and can take up to 3 months. In most cases people prefer to undertake a course of study and re-attempt the IELTS.


Just to check, are you including in your assessment the 5 points you would obtain for State sponsorship?

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Hi adam

our points are made up as follows...

15 for age

10 English language

15 experience

10 trade


i believe on the 190 we can gain an extra 5 for state sponsorship..... And that leaves us 5 for my skills?.... He's done the Ielts twice and can't face doing it again.... So I was going to pay and get my skills assessed?.... Don't know what else to do?


Thank you you for your reply!

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I know this would be the better way to go, but at the moment my husband is saying he won't do it again, hopefully he might change his mind! But he can't see how he can revise for it... It's the reading he keeps failing on?! The first time he did sat the test he got L:8.5 w:8.5 S:9 and R:7.5!... I'll work on him


thank you!

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Hi Catkins,


My personal choice would be to go for the IELTS again if the result is that close. Its a £130 IELTS fee which can be completed as soon as there is an available place, against an AUD 1,000 TRA fee that can take 3 months and involves a lot of extra work/documentation.


There's lots of IELTS tutors and training material that can help prepare him for the exam.

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Thank you guys for your advice!... He was just so disappointed last time.. Only got the results on fri... Maybe when the dust settles a bit he'll realise it's the better option!... I agree totally but hate the fact all the pressure is on him!.... It's one mark!! I'm sure he can do it!... He did absolutely no study for the previous tests.. So I may just give him some IELTS revision book for Christmas!... He might get the hint! X


thanks again!

Claire x

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Thank you guys for your advice!... He was just so disappointed last time.. Only got the results on fri... Maybe when the dust settles a bit he'll realise it's the better option!... I agree totally but hate the fact all the pressure is on him!.... It's one mark!! I'm sure he can do it!... He did absolutely no study for the previous tests.. So I may just give him some IELTS revision book for Christmas!... He might get the hint! X


thanks again!

Claire x


I think the trick with the reading is to answer the questions based upon what you've read, not what you know. For each question you really have to be able to stick your finger on the actual text. It's not as easy as people often think because the text leads you to infer data which was never explicitly stated. It's the one area where it's an advantage if you have absolutely zero knowledge about the subject material.

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Thank you all for you advice... Thing is if he does the IELTS again and gets the 8's needed we won't need state sponsorship... I will work on him! He's just a bit deflated at the mo!... We will get there me hopes!!


Thank you again! X claire

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I know this would be the better way to go, but at the moment my husband is saying he won't do it again, hopefully he might change his mind! But he can't see how he can revise for it... It's the reading he keeps failing on?! The first time he did sat the test he got L:8.5 w:8.5 S:9 and R:7.5!... I'll work on him


thank you!


Hello my husband was in the same situation as yours he passed everything but his reading, it took him tree time before he passed his test he was very stressed about it and didnt want to do it again but i asked him to do it one last time and he passed. (we also needed 8's) we got some really good advice off the internet. what did it for my husband was finding the answers, he would sit and do a practice test that i printed off the internet and i would find the answers and highlight them on another test paper, once that was done i marked his paper and the ones he got wrong i would show him the answers that i had highlighted and explained why that was the answer to him, he then passed the that after.

its worth a try even if he inst happy about it.

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I am in exactly the same position. I have 55 points and need the four 8's from the IELTS to bring me to 65 to apply for a 189. I have taken the tests twice now, the last time achieving exactly what your husband got. I am going to keep re-sitting until I get what I need.


I believe I got to where I needed to be in terms of preparation for the L, S & W however I obviously need some help for the reading! It is really demoralising and frustrating not getting what you need, however, hopefully it is worth the time & money in the long-run.


I am organising to re-take for a third time in February. Hopefully it will be third time lucky!!

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I am in exactly the same position. I have 55 points and need the four 8's from the IELTS to bring me to 65 to apply for a 189. I have taken the tests twice now, the last time achieving exactly what your husband got. I am going to keep re-sitting until I get what I need.


I believe I got to where I needed to be in terms of preparation for the L, S & W however I obviously need some help for the reading! It is really demoralising and frustrating not getting what you need, however, hopefully it is worth the time & money in the long-run.


I am organising to re-take for a third time in February. Hopefully it will be third time lucky!!


Have you been on line there are loads of practice test that are free and very helpful. There is another option with your visa you could apply for a regional sponsor as that will give you 10 more point and its quite surprising how much of Australia is classed as regional

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