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Travelling back home with a 3 month old baby


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Hey guys,


Myself and my partner are heading from Brisbane back to Ireland in 3 weeks time. We have a stroller and capsule system for him (A Steelcraft Agile) As far as I'm aware do we have to check these in for the journey and rely on airport prams to get by? It doesn't seem that we can take the stroller / capsule up to the gate and then get it checked in like you can on many domestic flights. As we have a 7 hour stop over in Singapore, we really would like our own stroller / capsule without having to to get one at Brisbane when we check our own one in, one at Singapore and one at London while we wait (all the while having to carry baby around while we get access to an airport provided one)


Has anyone encountered this situation before?


Thanks in advance

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I'd invest and use a sling. Handy for on the plane to if you need to walk up and down the aisles a lot. And a good investment for the long term IMHO.


You can also borrow the airport strollers (white ones) but generally babies need to be 6 months plus to sit in those iirc.

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Thanks guys - ya been hearing good things about the Ergobaby. I'll investigate further.

My daughter in law went for the ergo baby as her choice and AFAIK still thinks it's the best she has used! I made the trip on my own with a 12 weeker and a 3 1/2 yr old back in the day and never owned a stroller or capsule (only ever used a sling and a backpack for both my kids)- it worked fine except I had a run in with the snotty BOAC stewardess who took nearly an hour to answer my buzzer somewhere over India when I was BF and dying for a cuppa! After that I took a large mug with me and walked to the galley to demand a cup of tea before I fed him! Karma did come for that son though - after I had walked across much of Asia with him in a sling - his second daughter at nearly 1 didn't like the bassinette they offered so he pretty much walked across Asia with her on their last trip back LOL.


nah, really, it'll be fine! (Just ask for a big cuppa if you are BF!

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