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Dreading shipping my fur baby


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we had our visa granted a few weeks back, and Baileys annual booster is now due. Its so scary and so much to think of. But really glad i came on here tonight and have seen that the Q has been reduced to 10 days. phew. its just a long hol really. but hoping that he will be ok on the flights.

How much roughly does it cost to ship?

Bailey is an English Springer.

Thanks :)


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Hi there,


He will be fine! My dog (a boxer) is the biggest wimp you could imagine and she breezed through the whole thing including 30 days quarantine and an extra internal flight! See my costs below. I would highly recommend the company we used, they were amazing and so knowledgeable. PM me if you would like the details.

Pet shipping agent - £2260 (agents fee, flight, crate and documentation etc)

Quarantine - £900 ( I think it's $39/day) based on 30 days

Vets - £300 (rabies jab, blood tests, export certificate completion, flea & wormer)

DogWalks.com - £150 (a company I used to visit/walk my dog as we are in Brisbane and Roxy was in Sydney)

Internal Flight (Syd to Bris) with JetPets - £150


And remember......dogs are a bit like kids, they are far more resilient than we give them credit for! Your pooch will be fine and have an amazing life in Oz! My dog absolutely loves it here!


Good Luck!






we had our visa granted a few weeks back, and Baileys annual booster is now due. Its so scary and so much to think of. But really glad i came on here tonight and have seen that the Q has been reduced to 10 days. phew. its just a long hol really. but hoping that he will be ok on the flights.

How much roughly does it cost to ship?

Bailey is an English Springer.

Thanks :)


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If you read back over my posts over the last few months, you will see how much of a demented giblet I was about shipping Purd & Cand over here. Honestly, with hand on heart, it is not as bad as we all think. I did not think Purd would be the same dog after the flight, but she is fine. The quarantine is hard I will be honest, but now it has been reduced to 10 days, it will be much easier.


We used Pet Air's Gold Service and we cannot find fault with anything they did for us. We received a text when they were checked in at Heathrow, photos in Singapore and then we were told when they had arrived in Perth and I was straight on the phone to the Q station and again, updates were given. If the kennel maids come into the kennels when we are there, the girls run to them for cuddles and kisses. They are very well look after.


I know it is hard, I was the same as you, but now having done it, I would do it again if we needed to.

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Definitely, the human family members worry about this more than the dogs! 10 day quarantine is coming (and about bloomin' time).


Key thing Donna C is to get the rabies work started asap - it will now be valid for 24 months and has to be done at least 180 days before the flight - so get it started and then your dog will serve the minimum time.


The rough prices from Team Edwards above is pretty much spot on, expect the quarantine will be a bit cheaper.


The thing is get a few quotes - all the pet shippers in UK offer slightly different and before dismissing the expensive ones look at what is included and what is not as that is the key to finding the best value one.


Most important thing to remember is to start early with the rabies work!





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  • 1 month later...

HI, Thank you for your post. I'm in two minds what will be best for my Boxer girl, we have had her 15 months ( she is approx. 3yrs)and love her to bits but just don't know if the whole ordeal will be too stressful? how do they cope with the heat, quarantine etc ...

We will be going over without jobs also we wont have the luxury of a dog walker a day ( whilst we are at work) so I don't know what would be the best option for both our dog and us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I completely agree with Bob! We are hoping to relocate from UK to Perth at the end of January/ early February, but because we didn't get the ball rolling on rabies work early enough, our baby boy bulldog will have to stay in the UK without us for about three months...needless to say we are gutted and not at all looking forward to the time without him!:sad:

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Thanks. Anyone reading this, the rabies blood result now last for 2 years rather than 1 year as previously, so you really cannot start too early. Get the rabies work done as early as you can and it will save you a fortune in kennelling fees and your pets a heap of time in kennels.


Hope you all had a lovely Christmas whether sunny and by the beach or if it was windy cold and wet!



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