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Update.... Finally :)


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Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay in giving you all an update on how things are going. I can't actually believe it's been nearly 4 months since we got back!


Well where to begin?! We left Perth after a manic few days. I'm still not sure we got everything all done before we left!! I know we left our friends with a couple of errands to do for us. I was almost looking forward to the journey just to sit and have a rest!! Our (then) 10month old daughter was an angel on the flight. We were so proud and even more so when fellow passengers congratulated us on her behaviour! We arrived at Heathrow terminal building at 6am and had some family there waiting for us, it was lovely. I cried, and surprised myself. I suddenly realised I had tears rolling down my cheeks, don't help that my sister in law was sobbing too. But happy tears, relief I think! We had made it!!


We headed back to Suffolk, I think I smiled all the way home. That day and the following few days was all about seeing family and getting my daughter back into a routine again. We did do a trip to the supermarket and I was once again amazed at the choice available and quality of foods, fresh and otherwise!


From there we got busy getting our old house redecorated and new flooring down. It turned out that our previous tenants idea of clean was a little far from our expectation, but we got there in the end. Luckily my brother in law and his wife said we could stay with them for as long as we needed. We had great fun kitting out the house in all the bits we needed from the second hand shops and with lent or given things. We moved in a few weeks later once we had enough to be able to function! Our crate was still on an ocean at this point!! Moving back into our old house was odd, comforting as it was ours, but it soon became clear that having left it as a couple, and coming back as a family of 3 plus our big dog, it's not going to be a long term situation!! For now though, it's home.


My husband quickly became employed back at his old job although will be starting back in a different department. He is back in retraining at the moment which he is enjoying. I had an interview and was successful in September but STILL waiting for HR to get their act together and give me a start date. It's been a little absurd but I am secretly enjoying the extra time with my daughter and have spent a lot of well needed time with my mum, which brings me onto my next bit of news.


So as some of you know my step dad had been really poorly just before we flew out from Perth, well he rallied for our return it seemed. We had some beautiful weeks of weather and quality time with him. Sadly he lost his fight against bowel cancer just over a month ago now. He said all along that the timing would be be perfect, and it truly was. Everything fell into place. He went into the hospice on the Saturday and went to sleep that night and didn't wake up. Which is exactly how he wanted it. He even said it would be bright and sunny on the day of his burial, and it was even after a week of it being very unsettled. Totally him, in control until the end. So it was even more right that we came back when we did, for him, my mum and us.


My OH's family, another of our reasons for returning have proved once again that the timing is right, as if we needed anymore proof!! His mum has been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and since we have been back his dad has had another heart attack. We have been able to have family meetings with his siblings and just be here for support. I think that has meant so much to the family, it's another set of people to take on the caring role that is becoming increasingly needed.


With regards to settling in, it's really been a lot easier than I thought. Friends have welcomed us back like we had been away for a holiday. We have been making good use of the babysitters available and my hubby and I have had some good quality time together - which didn't happen in Oz after the arrival of our little one. We have celebrated our daughters first birthday and all the family have witnessed her taking her first steps. So precious and wonderful wonderful memories. Now it's the countdown to Christmas in the cold and I can't wait. We couldn't be happier, Australia seems a distant memory now. I still speak to my girlfriends back there probably once or twice a month now, and I hope that will continue. But as for the house, the city etc that chapter is closed. Whether I will long for it in the depths of the winter months? Who knows!! But for right now, home is definitely where the heart is and totally where we need to be.


I'm sure I could go into a heap more detail, but I thought I'd start there! I'll try not to be a stranger now. I know you all understand that my time has been needed for more important things. :)

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