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IELTS or not?


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As this is my first post I'll just take a minute to introduce myself.



I'm Dan, a 31 year old bricklayer from Essex. I am married to Holly, 28, and we have a handsome little boy of 7 months called Miller.



We have been talking about moving to oz for years now, since travelling the east coast in 2006. We have decided on heading to Perth as we have family there and it seems to be the place to be for brickies(obviously the weather and beautiful beaches aswell). We are going to start the process in the new year, starting with vetassess. We will be applying for a 190 visa. I have a total of 60 points. Now here the question finally comes:



Should I do the IELTS test to gain more points? Would it make it easier or faster for our application to go through? Or is 60 points fine and I'm worrying about nothing?



Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks




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Hi Dan,


I too, am in the process in applying for Australian Immigration, i will file both 190 and 189 visa types.


I would recommend you to go for IELTS if you are confident you can easily score 7 each or above as the immigration websites clearly states that people with higher migration points will have more priority, therefore if you can get 10 or 20 points, that will make your overall points reach to 70 or 80, and that will be really helpful in speeding up the process when you apply for your EOI and getting an invitation to apply for immigration.


Hope you get immigration ASAP, Cheers.




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Hey all.

As this is my first post on this i will try and keep it as short as possible.

My name is Dave and i am based in Leeds but originally from Ireland. My wife and I are hoping to emigrate to Perth next year.My trade fibrous plasterer is on the list and i have done some of the online points calculators and am hitting 65 without doing my English test.

I am going to apply for the 189 visa.

Would like any advice fro people who are in the process at the moment and maybe expected timescales etc.

With regards the IELTS i have been told my everyone i have spoken to that it should be done. People have told me that immigration look on it as someone who is prepared to go one step further etc.

Any advice regarding 189 visa will be appreciated



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Guys guys guys!!!

firstly , I'd like to say go for it and good luck!

i am a sparky and because of my age and experience I had to take the ielts test to gain xtra points on my visa test .

i had to get an overall score of 8 on each subject to gain 20 points ( which is what u get for 8s).

i took on a tutor from Brighton for £25 an hour and passed first time.

i then took on advice and registered with immigration2oz in February this year.

they have taken care of the process for me and advised me all the way.

i received my 190 visa this week.(8 months)

there is a process to follow.

once you have passed your ielts and trade test you can put in an E.O.I.

They then ask you to apply for state sponsorship . (Perth in my case).if you need it.

you then take a knowledge test on wa. (This is new).

once you have been invited to apply for a visa , you will need to do police checks and medicals.

pass all these and your laughing!!


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Hi, you don't need to pass IELTS to prove your English language ability as long as you're a native of a recognised English speaking nation from birth. The same is true for your wife.


However like it has been said there are 10 points on your visa if you score 7 on each of the 4 tasks and 20 points for 4 x 8's. Also some skills assessments require 4 x 7's so you need to check with your assessing body.


On a 190 the amount of points isn't relevant, as long as you pass 60, get your state sponsorship and have your positive skills assessment then you're eligible for receiving an invitation. You won't get a quicker invite by scoring more points on a 190

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Thanks for your opinions. I have decided to do the IELTS. Although I don't necessarily need the points or the pass right now I may need them further along the line, as pointed out. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with the speaking, reading and listening, it's just the writing I might struggle with as I've hardly put pen to paper since leaving college. I've been looking at the study books, there are a few to choose from. Anyone have any recommendations? I'll study hard for a few months and do the test in January.

Thanks again all of you for your comments




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