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Updated Skills List for WA 2013 - 14


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I'm hoping any day now. It was previously advised this would be released on the 1st October but they seem to have put this back for one reason or another. I'm chomping at the bit aswell waiting for the release, hang in there and good luck

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hi cjenky easier said than done isn't it? But what if it's not done until the new year that's months away!! What job description are you waiting for?? We where also advised to lodge an EOI for SA too, nothing against SA. But we just really loved WA and have friends there etc really don't know what to do next wait for new list or carry on with SA, what would you do??

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Much easier said than done, yes!!! All the waiting around is killing me! I'm most scared about my occupation being removed before i have chance to apply. Still waiting on Vetassess at the moment. I am applying under 511112 (Project Administrator) how about you? I don't think it will be as far away as the New Year, a couple of weeks max i would think, all the other states have been pretty much on the ball in regards to releasing their updated lists i don't think WA will be too far behind. In regards to your dilemma i think i would personally go for SA simply for the fact you only have to live there 2 years and after that if you wanted to you could move to WA, who knows you mights actually love it and want to stay anyway. I think the main thinkg is getting your foot in the door, once you're there, you're there and 2 years will fly by.

Best of luck

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We are applying for 312112 Project Building Associate which has come off the list for WA for the first time ever apparently or so I am led to believe, it was just shock horror to come back from WA to find that out, we have been very naive with the whole process and thats why we have used an Agent adn she suggested loding an EOI for WA and SA while it was high on SA list to fall back on, she has tried to find out about New Skills List and she does not think it will be anytime soon, we could have our Visa for SA before WA even update their list!!! Have you looked to see if your job is on any other states list??

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The only lists it was on were WA and ACT. We were initially drawn to the ACT over WA simply because of the heat. ACT removed it when they updated their list so our only option was WA which is fine as we are prepared to settle anywhere, just being there is enough for us. We have several friends all over Australia including WA so that in itself is good. I was really hoping that my skills assessment would be back before WA changed their list so i could apply, so information that it could be a way off is good news for me, although not for you!!! It would be devastating to have spent money on skills assessment etc to have the rug pulled at the last minute. I see you have applied for the 489 have you done this for the points? I am 5 points short and was thinking of this option also so i didn't need to sit the IELTS.

I wish you all the best in which ever route you decide to take and god willing and fingers crossed we may be bumping into each other in WA!!!

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Its my hubby who's job we are getting the visa on and yes he sat the IELTS a few times got all 7's on 2nd attempt but struggled to get 8 in wiritng part but was getting 8.5 & 9's in all the other 3 sections, but decided we would go for the 489 visa as some people I had meet on the forum where doing it and they have since got their visas and annoying part is they do exactly the same jobs as my hubby and me, but then it got taken off list, we are happy also to go to SA and Victoria is another place we could have gone and like you say only for 2 years then become permanent and go anywhere you like in Oz. I dont think it will change anytime soon and I hope for your sake it does not and keep my fingers crossed for you and please let us know how you get on!!


And yes we may meet up in WA as we will be visiting friends there if we dont end up there ourselves too xx

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I look at this way....a foot in the door is a foot in the door, i'm already looking at other options just in case its taken off the list. We have relatives in SA who have been there 20 years but just my luck family can only sponsor if the occupation is on the SOL, mines on the CSOL so no luck on that front. I'll not give up though...where there's a will there's a way, we've just got to keep positive. Keep me posted how you get on...


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Hi Claire,


OMG a friend of ours has not long left and he said exactly the same as you about getting a foot in the door in Oz and after he went I read your reply how coincidental!!!


We will def get there 1 way or other and so will you, are you doing the process yourself or are you using an agent?? L et me know if I can help in any way and will also keep you posted!!



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No, no agent, don't really have the funds for one but I have been researching the process for about 18 months and as far as I can see it is pretty straight forward if not a little nerve wracking, it's practically consumed our lives lol. I think my husband thinks i'm mental half the time. Plenty of people on here have done it without an agent and this forum is a great for getting advice. I sometimes think if I had not taken so long researching the whole process we could have got our application in a year ago and not have all this worry now, hey ho.


When we originally started the process my qualification wasn't high enough so I had to do a Diploma in Management through RPL with an Australian education establishment which took a couple of months, then gathering all the info for Vetassess, the whole process is so time consuming, then of course theres all the waiting....that's the big killer for me, i'm so impatient. I'm just keeping everything crossed and hoping everything will work out for us, for all of us,



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Hi Bal,

Don't know if you have seen but WA have updated their website, they are saying the new list is to be released on the 28th October!! Nerve wracking for me, still no word from Vetassess, keep your fingers crossed for me my occupation stays on the list. Good luck to you, hope your occupation is on too.

Claire x

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Yes Claire,


I did see after looking at 9am in morning and telling our agent to carry on with SA Application and then 1pm I saw someone had put something on about the WA Skills List and could not believe the information I saw, but thought it was too late for us as our Application had already been submitted but did not get confirmation yesterday from our agent who is in Brisbane at the moment so sent her an email to say please do not submit if you have not already done so!!


She emailed us back at 3.45am to say the website had crashed, therefore she had not lodged the application (I think someone up there like us!!!) So now more sleepless night to see if Scotts job is back on, if not we carry on with SA!!!


Hope yours is still there too Claire remind me again of your job number to look out for and fingers crossed for you too xxx




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Hi clare


I recently got a negative assessment for HR advisor due to my qualification, however I have just llooked at project job spec and majority of tasks I can match to the tasks I carry out as a HR Business Partner and this only requires a diploma. I've printed off my last two job descriptions etc and I'm going to do a comparison tonight then consider a reassessment to vetasses!




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Hi Kezzles, have you decided to be reassessed under Project Administrator 511112? Just a word of warning before you shell out for the reassessment, the occupation is currently only on the WA occupation list.M The updated list is due to be published on the 28th October. I've got everything crossed that the occupation stays on or i'm screwed. FYI AQF Diploma is equivalent to NVQ 4 (HND/HNC) which I did not have but have since acquired through RPL. I'm Still waiting on Vetassess......the wait is bloody killing me....Good luck to you...hope everything works out for you.

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Hi Kezzles, have you decided to be reassessed under Project Administrator 511112? Just a word of warning before you shell out for the reassessment, the occupation is currently only on the WA occupation list.M The updated list is due to be published on the 28th October. I've got everything crossed that the occupation stays on or i'm screwed. FYI AQF Diploma is equivalent to NVQ 4 (HND/HNC) which I did not have but have since acquired through RPL. I'm Still waiting on Vetassess......the wait is bloody killing me....Good luck to you...hope everything works out for you.


Hey yes I know my bro lives in Perth so that's cool! Yes I'm going to reapply under this so hopefully Monday it's still on the list!!

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