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shipping a car back to uk


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Any advice would be welcomed. We have purchased new car whilst being here we have had it for 10 mths so far, by the time we go back will have owned it for a year and a bit. Where can I go to find out how to ship it back to the UK. I know we will have to pay tax on it when its back in the UK but that is about all.


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We looked into this a little while ago. If you can meet certain conditions you don't have to pay any VAT or import duties as the vehicle is classed as a personal possession. Read here for more info: https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/vat-duty-and-tax-vehicles-from-outside-the-eu

You just have to keep the car for a minimum of 12 months from when it arrives before you can sell it.


If you get a removal company in they will be able to help you prepare the car for shipping. Then at the other side it needs to be inspected to ensure it complies with road laws in the UK.

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We looked into this a little while ago. If you can meet certain conditions you don't have to pay any VAT or import duties as the vehicle is classed as a personal possession. Read here for more info: https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/vat-duty-and-tax-vehicles-from-outside-the-eu

You just have to keep the car for a minimum of 12 months from when it arrives before you can sell it.


If you get a removal company in they will be able to help you prepare the car for shipping. Then at the other side it needs to be inspected to ensure it complies with road laws in the UK.



Cheers on that 4 corners will read that link right now thanks

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I did this seven years ago. Agree with 4 corners. No tax. Make sure your odometer reads in miles as well and mine was only in kilometers so had to get an external meter fixed on the dashboard. You will need this for first MOT like uk compliance test. The front two windows shouldn't tinted but check that law may have changed now.

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We found this company VERY helpful




Email: info@everglobalinternational.com.au


After agonising debate we decided not to ship my OH's beloved Nissan Skyline back. Financially it just wasn't worth it - once you took the $2-3k the shipping would cost & the lower cost of second hand cars in the UK.


Can you get a skyline over there LR? They are a good car aren't they.

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I've heard this can be a costly exercise with shipping and handling costs given cars are so cheap in the UK wouldn't you be better off selling it and buying another. Granted if you bought it here brand new then you will probably loose quite abit depending on the make.

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hey bryng my mate sent his jaguar back in april this year to Brighton for $5300 in a 20ft container, try movingyourworld they have the cheapest quotes when he was looking around


i think it's worth sending if you bought it new, loses too much in depreciation if you sell within first year of purchase

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Can you get a skyline over there LR? They are a good car aren't they.


Yes, in fact we were able to get a much better one - a 20th Anniversary special edition with a lot less mileage on the clock for what we got for ours in Perth. They aren't as common here but I think they aren't used as 'daily rides' in the same way so they ones there are have been cosseted.


I'm not a car person really, I went from biker to middle-aged mum :) But even I rather like it - not that I driven this one yet!

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