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Duncraig Senior High School, Perth


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My son is at Duncraig Senior now in yr 10, also went to Duncraig primary. Excellent school, each student recognised for who they are, one of the first schools to become independent, people actually move to Duncraig so their child can go there. highly recognised for the gifted and talented program, also music, drama and sports. not had a problem with them since son started in year 8. we used to lived in Duncraig now in greenwood and decided to it was worth keeping him there :cute: if you pm me, l can send u their latest school letter so u get the jest of what they are like.

Has anyone sent their children to Duncraig? I'd be interested to hear from anyone who knows anything about this school- its good and bad points and whether they'd recommend it or not.




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