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HELP!!! How to get a Cypriot police check from the uk?


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Hi guys,



We are at the last hurdle and have only just come up against a slight problem!!! :arghh:



Myself and wife are both in the RAF at present and served in Cyprus for 2 years, so we have to provide police certificates from Cyprus, but as we were there while in the Military we "weren't really there".



I have found the form on the Cypriot police website for an, issuance of a clear criminal record certificate, but it asks for an ARC number and pink, yellow slips(I assume some form of visa to live there).



If there is anyone out there that has been through this process or knows someone who has, could you please give us some advice on what you sent off to the Cypriots.



Thanks in advance




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have a chat with the DAMO in Akrotiri (phone any uk base main number and ask the operator to put you through), they wont be able to help you. but clearing personnel and knowing who to speak to is a rough part of their remit.

with any luck they will know who you need to contact.

if you get the cold shoulder (unlikely) phone back 12 hours later (its a duty, you may end up with a slack **** who just wants the easy life)

i'm sure you're not the first and certainly wont be the last to need these papers.

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