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Its been in a the news a lot recently as the Spanish are kicking up another fuss about it and wanting it back. They have started taxing people to cross the border and forcing people to wait for hours in the sun.


But today in The Independant there was an article about a Spanish politician who put an image on his facebook page showing what it would look like in a Spanish invasion. That is, in my opinion a big step too far. It is tantamount to threatening military action - this politician is a member of the current ruling party.


What are your views?


I think Cameron is yet again being too soft. If i was a politician i would put up an image showing what Madrid would look like after saying hello to a Trident. I would also put an immediate tax on all flights into Spain of 1000 per person - kill the last bit of the economy they have

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I thought the UK had sorted this now and said Spain can have the fishing rights?


Funnily enough, if you speak to the man and his dog on the street here, they are not interested and think the Government should be spending time on more important issues.

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Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece, aka The Pigs, are all economic basket cases.

All we are seeing here is pathetic sabre rattling to divert their subjects attention away from domestic political issues..........remember General Galtieri from Argentina and the Falklands.

The trouble with these fledgling democracies is that 40 or 50 years ago they were run by dictators, and / or the army, their leaders wore army uniforms, with gold braid, epaulttes, etc., and liked to be called "Your Excellency," or similar.

Remember General Franco, (the Spanish prefer not to), offered to lead an army to invade Gibraltar but Hitler knew if he did the UK would end up ruling Spain PDQ.

El Spanish border police are a pain in the proverbial, but frankly one gunboat and they are gone.

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