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How to keep the children away from the spiders


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Hello there,


I am looking for a bit of advice about the creepy crawlies. I don't want to sound like a paranoid mum, but how do you avoid to many spider encounters of the dangerous type with the children. I have a 3 1/2 yr old girl who knows that when she sees a spider or snake she doesn't touch it but tells her parents, no problem with her.


But my son who will be nearly 2 when we arrive is always putting his hands under and into things and pokes every insect he sees and took great delight in playing with all the spider webs in the garage at the weekend. I lived in Sydney for 2 yrs and we didn't really get anything in the house except for the great big cockroaches, and 1 Huntsman, but as we are moving to the Gold Coast will this also be the case ? I don't want them to be scared of the animals, just aware some may be dangerous.


I have seen posts about sprays you can get to stop them coming into the house, as we will be renting can we do this ?


Sorry if I am seeming a bit over worried about this, but it is something that is on my mind.


Thanks Dawn

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. My daughter had just turned 2 when we arrived and we haven't had any big issues.

Just do the same for him as your daughter and soon enough he will understand.

We do spray the house outside every 3 months with Mortein and also cut the trees away from the windows and that has reduced what we get inside a lot.

We haven't seen a redback around here. A few huntsmen and small wolf spiders as well as the orb-weavers etc.

Depends where you live as to snakes - we are in a area that has a lot of snakes but we are right in the middle of the estate and it seems to be rare that they come right in. One of my neighbours has only had 1 in the garden in 14 years.

To be honest I've just allowed myself not to worry too much about it but just to educate them about not touching anything they see. We also go to places like Australia Zoo, Lone Pine etc which helps to reinforce the message.

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+1 for what Alaska said.


We actually see fewer spiders here than we did in the UK (they seemed to love our bathtub there) and, when we do see them, 99.9% are immature huntsmen which aren't much more dangerous than the common British house spider. I should say that, in common with a lot of our neighbours, we have the house sprayed every spring.


That said, we also indoctrinated our lad (who turned 3 a few weeks after we arrived) that spiders are dangerous and to be avoided. We did too good a job and now, even at 9, he's still scared of them and panics every time he sees even the smallest baby one that he could easily stomp on.

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Hi, I live in the GC, it is Winter now so the spiders aren't coming into the house (apparently they only come in to keep cool) but I haven't found any at all, even outside they're sparse. The house is sprayed and it keeps them at bay.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I remember worrying about the same thing before i came, i wondered how my little one could ever play outside with all those deadly creatures,lol... See, i can laugh now as there wasn't an issue when it came down to it.


You need to show them spiders such as Redbacks etc so they know ,touching is a big No No, but in all fairness if you internally spray your house and give it a quick spray around the outside borders, any play equipment in the garden etc etc it is highly unlikely you will come across anything.

In a rental the landlord 'should' do a spray every 12 months, but there is nothing stopping you going to Mitre 10 or Bunnings buying the chemical and doing it yourself.


Overall don't worry too much

Cal x

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