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Got the invite!!!!


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Well last night i got an email saying that WA would like to invite me to apply for the visa....im a bit scared now:huh:!!


Just wondered if any was in the same position and we could share the experience?


I have a couple of questions if anyone could help...


To show we have enough funds to live for 3 months does it have to be in a bank account in my name or can it be in my husbands account? We have funds from a recent car sale but they're in his account....at least they should be!!!


Also can i start doing the application and come back to it or does it have to be done in one sitting?


Also is the WA test tricky? I know I have to get 60% and have looked at the info page all about living in WA,

are the questions multiple choice?


It also said if required have details of 3 potential job opportunities in the region...does that just mean some jobs that are currently being advertised to show there is demand?



Any support would be great.. I'm feeling the pressure doing it on my own :err:!!


Also I wanted to add my timeline to show people but not sure how to add it!!





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firstly, the test is easy and you can check your result before proceeding and if you want to do that section again, you can. And secondly, to add a timeline, click on either settings or my profile and on the left hand side you will see " edit signature", this is where you write your timeline.

Good luck!

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Hey Debbie :biggrin: Well done on getting your invite!! We are going it alone on the application and sometimes it does seem a bit overwhelming (I had a mini panic this week that I was going to screw it all up - i keep having to remind myself to check everything 10 times and read everythign 10 times and I will be ok!!) Also I didn't have a clue how to update the bottom as well so thanks for asking that question!!


What job are you doing? I have submitted my skills assessment for HR Adviser and also get IELTS results tomorrow (!!) and then have to make a final decision about which state to apply to -- at the mo HR Adviser is on WA and ACT but we kinda wanted to be near the beach but I suppose would go anywhere to get in to Oz!!


Am going to try to update my signature now :err: Best wishes Carmel

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Hi Carmel!


Im a primary school teacher and currently teach in the private sector. I have done the IELTS and got my AITSL certificate through which took ages as I never received an email from them asking for another document!!


Anyway its nice to know someone else is going through the same as me!! I hate filling in forms, as a teacher I often get asked to do passports for people and usually make a mess :-(


We are going for WA as primary teacher was on their list, but we don't mind where really. My husband's cousin lives in Sydney and recently got citizenship, his parents are currently applying for their visa too.



Take care



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Hiya, we did this recently and it was quite an easy process :) the test is fine and you can find all the answers online, the links they provide you with are useful and you can look at them as you do the test. There's no time limit and you can save it and go back to it later if you want.


The 3 jobs can be any in your field, just type in your job into an Australian job website.


One thing to be aware of (may have changed now) but every time we entered our d.o.b's when we got to the summary page they had changed by one day. In the end we phoned and checked this and they said "don't worry we are aware of the problem".


Like Kbounds says to edit your signature, make sure you're signed in, click settings, then down the left hand side you will see the option edit signature, just click that type what you want and press save, hey presto it will be there. Hope that helps, and good luck!

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Hi Debbie - are you filling in your WA SS request today then?? How exciting???? :cute: If my understanding is correct you have to request SS and then do the EOI is that right??


I don't get my skills assessment back til beginning of October -- feels like such a LONG wait!!


PS I hope you get some answers from people who are just ahead of you and can give you a bit of guidance! Best wishes Carmel

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Hi Carmel my understanding is that you cant really do the EOI until youve done the IELTS and skills assessment (for the 190) and then you fill in the EOI then it gives you options of visas you qualify for from the ones you selected in the EOI. Then you are contacted via the skillselect website. I am really worried about doing the actual visa application now!!!

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Hi Carmel my understanding is that you cant really do the EOI until youve done the IELTS and skills assessment (for the 190) and then you fill in the EOI then it gives you options of visas you qualify for from the ones you selected in the EOI. Then you are contacted via the skillselect website. I am really worried about doing the actual visa application now!!!


Hi Debbie so you are now at visa completion stage!? When are you going to fill it in? Someone else on PIO told me before that the skills assessment was the hardest part and the rest wasn't too bad - fingers crossed they were right!

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Hi Debbie so you are now at visa completion stage!? When are you going to fill it in? Someone else on PIO told me before that the skills assessment was the hardest part and the rest wasn't too bad - fingers crossed they were right!


We found the skills assessment was by far the longest stage so far! So far the rest has been quick and easy, but now we're at the hardest part, getting the actual visa!

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We found the skills assessment was by far the longest stage so far! So far the rest has been quick and easy, but now we're at the hardest part, getting the actual visa!


HI Mike that is v interesting. :biggrin: Was it a lot of work to do the EOI? Get SS? And then complete the visa application?? Or did you find it all quiet straightforward?? Sorry 20 million questions but I just don't want to screw it all up!!!!!!!! Thanks Carmel

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HI Mike that is v interesting. :biggrin: Was it a lot of work to do the EOI? Get SS? And then complete the visa application?? Or did you find it all quiet straightforward?? Sorry 20 million questions but I just don't want to screw it all up!!!!!!!! Thanks Carmel


Well tbh we are using an agent, so they are doing all the forms for us, all we had to do was the test for state sponsorship which was fine and sign a few forms. All the stages since the skills assessment have gone incredibly quickly, especially after waiting 16 weeks for the skills assessment.



Dont worry about the questions if we can help we will!!





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Ahh thanks Cat. I simply don't have the funds at the moment to pay a MA so just have to make sure it is right myself really!! We have to write defacto partner statements this weekend!!!!! OMG - never seen anything like it!! Lol

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Good luck I'm sure it'll be fine :) I've seen on here about people having to send in photos of themselves as a couple! Do you have to do all that? We've been married 4 years and have a 4 year old so things are pretty straight forward for us on that front.



Yeah I think so - we have been together 10 years though and have a ton of pictures & 3 children (almost 7 yrs, 3 yrs & 1yr) and moved to rainy Ireland together to be nearer my family (it hasn't worked out here) .... I think we have enough evidence it is just collating it all -- homework for this weekend! I have yet to tell the OH he has to write a statement about how we met that will be funny lol :biggrin:. It must be a nice feeling that you have it all submitted and are just waiting now?

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Lol good luck with that :biggrin:you'd think the 3 children would be enough proof of your relationship wouldn't you?! I think this is the scariest part actually, we've come this far and spent so much money, what if we fall at the final hurdle? Scary!!



When do you expect to get your decision back Cat? Exciting times but the waiting is a nightmare isn't it!!!!!

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