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New to Canberra - need to entertain children!


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Hi, my husband and I have just moved to Canberra this week with 2 children - William who is 2 1/2 and Madeleine who has just turned 1. We are hopefully going to be moving to Harrison and would love any tips/advice on what activities/groups there are to keep them entertained! Would also love to meet any parents with young children too :-)

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Head off to the local library to start with, there are bound to be story time events (I know Dickson has one on a Friday) and work from there - there will probably be other notices at the library of things to do or meet up with other mums who can put you on track. You may find that the local preschool has a play group you could go to with the kids. My grand kids went to music and dance groups at the old Ainslie school building (forget its name, sorry) and really enjoyed themselves. I'd think that if you can access a play group somewhere http://www.playgroupaustralia.com.au/act/ you should begin to suss out what activities there are out there and there are groups for doing pretty much anything these days. Good luck

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Playgroups ACT is a good place to start, Quoll has posted the link.

Paint and Play is good (and free) at locations around Canberra http://www.dhcs.act.gov.au/ocyfs/childandfamilycentres/paint_and_play

Giggle and Wiggle at libraries around Canberra http://www.library.act.gov.au/learning/giggle-and-wiggle

Pop into your local Child and Family Centre and see what's on?


There's also a Facebook Page called "Canberra Mums" which is pretty popular as a Q&A community "board" for parents in Canberra.

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