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Cygnet vs Woodbridge


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This is my first post on PomsinOz but I am a longtime lurker!


We have visited Australia twice and we have fallen in love with Tas - it's such a special place. We are getting close to the time of emigrating and we cannot decide between heading towards Cygnet or Woodbridge. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts/comments on the pros/cons of the two areas. We have a young family and are hoping to eventually get a house with a few acres so we can start to live the dream of growing our own veg, keeping chickens etc. We cannot wait! We loved the scenery around Woodbridge and the school there sounds very interesting (particularly with the links to the marine development centre). Its proximity to Hobart and the easy commute is also a big pull. But Woodbridge is obviously tiny! Cygnet really appeals to us as it has a good selection of shops and facilities and it seemed to have such a lovely feel to the town. There seemed to be a really good community spirit there, too, which really appeals. I don't remember the coastline or surrounding areas being quite as pretty as Woodbridge but I know that we concentrated our time there in the town so I am willing to be corrected on that!


Does anyone have any knowledge of the schools in Cygnet or Woodbridge please? Woodbridge School has an excellent website and it looks like a great school. However, one of the locals that we spoke to whilst on our reccie said that it didn't have a great reputation. Is that the general consensus, does anyone know? Unfortunately the Cygnet Primary School website has several dead links so I can't really get a feel for it at all. Anyone have any experience or knowledge of either of these schools?


Any help greatly appreciated!


Thank you

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I don't have personal knowledge of either school but it may be that the local you spoke to was referring to the Naplan results (the nationwide assessment of literacy and numeracy in schools). From the website it appears that Cygnet rates more highly on these.






If I were in your shoes I would also have difficulty making a decision. :biggrin:

Both beautiful areas. Cygnet has been the "self sufficient hippy capital" of southern Tasmania since the 1970s which gives it that community spirit you felt. Also some great food - the Red Velvet Lounge, Lotus Eaters Cafe and the "Bottom Pub".

Very similar spirit in the Woodbridge area but less concentrated than in Cygnet...more spread out through Kettering, Snug etc.


Will employment have an influence where you settle...commuting to Hobart, for example?

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Hi Skani


Thank you for your reply! That's reassuring to hear that we seem to have got the gist of those areas. We were in Cygnet at the time of the folk festival so obviously there was a higher than average density of hippy types! Good to know that it has that kind of feel to it all year long.


My husband is hoping to work in Hobart. If he doesn't find work there we were thinking he could commute to Sydney/Melbourne. Obviously being away from the family during the week wouldn't be ideal but neither is being unemployed! I think the Woodbridge drive into Hobart would be quicker than from Cygnet? We didn't try it at rush-hour though. It seemed like a nicer, more scenic route too. But then Cygnet does have some great cafes, like you say...dilemma!


We really hope we can find a school that feels 'special'. Obviously we want our kids to be happy and to be pleased we dragged them to the other side of the world. I think school is key to this. I shall try and get my head around the My School tables! Thanks for your comment on the comparison of the two schools though. That's just the kind of info we're looking for.


Thanks again for your input.

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Hi, I live close to Huonville, not far from Cygnet, Woodbridge is lovely but for facilities i would recommend Cygnet, it has a great community feel always things going on, sorry i can't help anything about the schools except to say that St James is a Catholic school in Cygnet and by all accounts very good. Good Luck with the move.

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Hi Normad, thanks for the reply.


Cygnet does seem like it has a lot to offer. We're not catholic so I don't think St James' would be an option although it's good to know about it obviously! I think there is a high school in Huonville isn't there? I must look into that too - there is so much to do! I really want to get this right though.


It's such a lovely area - I'm so envious that you're there right now! I just wish we could pop over for another reccie...sigh. Thank goodness for the internet though!

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I think there is a high school in Huonville isn't there? I must look into that too - there is so much to do! I really want to get this right though.



Yes, Huonville has a high school. The information about it on the ACARA MySchool website is here:



As you no doubt noticed, Woodbridge School does have secondary classes but the nearest "high school" is Kingston High



Regarding the earlier mention of commuting times to Hobart...yes, Woodbridge would be an easier commute.

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Hi Skani


Thank you for your reply! That's reassuring to hear that we seem to have got the gist of those areas. We were in Cygnet at the time of the folk festival so obviously there was a higher than average density of hippy types! Good to know that it has that kind of feel to it all year long.


My husband is hoping to work in Hobart. If he doesn't find work there we were thinking he could commute to Sydney/Melbourne. Obviously being away from the family during the week wouldn't be ideal but neither is being unemployed! I think the Woodbridge drive into Hobart would be quicker than from Cygnet? We didn't try it at rush-hour though. It seemed like a nicer, more scenic route too. But then Cygnet does have some great cafes, like you say...dilemma!


We really hope we can find a school that feels 'special'. Obviously we want our kids to be happy and to be pleased we dragged them to the other side of the world. I think school is key to this. I shall try and get my head around the My School tables! Thanks for your comment on the comparison of the two schools though. That's just the kind of info we're looking for.


Thanks again for your input.


wow I've got to say thats a far fetched plan, unless he can find a job near melbourne airport he's going to be leaving sunday night and back late Friday plus the cost of accom and flights each week. its like living in london and commuting to madrid :)


I agree tassie is a great place but part of the reason it is so underpopulated is because there are no jobs!

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Thanks for the school links Skani, I will add those to my reading list!


The job situation in Tas is a big concern for us and commuting to the mainland would be a last resort, obviously. I guess it all comes down to how much we want to live in Tas. To be honest, the big cities of the mainland just don't appeal to us, and the more remote areas don't have the jobs either. Tasmania has so many things that we are looking for. We just have to find a way to make it work financially.

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I can't really add anything to the conversation about Cygnet and Woodbridge except to say that they're both lovely. I just wanted to mention that I work with probably 10+ people who commute interstate as you describe but in reverse. i.e. they work in Tassie and commute from another state (QLD mostly).


Just to let you know that plenty of people do it successfully if you do need to go down that route.


Good luck.

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wow I've got to say thats a far fetched plan, unless he can find a job near melbourne airport he's going to be leaving sunday night and back late Friday plus the cost of accom and flights each week. its like living in london and commuting to madrid :)



But it is done...by some. I have friends who own a taxi company and they have several clients with a fixed booking to and from the airport each week - people who chose to move to Tasmania from Melbourne or Sydney for lifestyle reasons but continue to work in those cities. Obviously it needs to be a very well paid job to justify the expense!

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Thanks for letting us know that we're not the only crazy people contemplating such a commute! It would obviously be a last resort but it is reassuring to know that it is at least possible. The employment situation is our only significant concern about living in Tas actually. I suppose that if it Tas did have the jobs, as well as everything else, it would become more like the mainland with respect to congestion, house prices, commuting times etc. Can't have everything I guess!


Thanks again for your input everybody. Much appreciated.


PS Runslikeafish - my husband has just started reading your blog. He's loving it! I shall have to add it to my ever-expanding reading list. I hope the move has worked out well for you.

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But it is done...by some. I have friends who own a taxi company and they have several clients with a fixed booking to and from the airport each week - people who chose to move to Tasmania from Melbourne or Sydney for lifestyle reasons but continue to work in those cities. Obviously it needs to be a very well paid job to justify the expense!


Well if we are talking $200k jobs here I can see the logic but if its a $100k job its an awful lots of hastle!

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  • 2 weeks later...

And so the debate continues... ?


Does anyone have any idea whether the broadband speed varies at all between Cygnet and Woodbridge? Actually, how good is the broadband in that area in general? Does it deteriorate the further away from Hobart you go? Any information much appreciated.


Husband needs good Internet access for his work so it's quite important really. Should have thought of this before!

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Wow...that's a can of worms! :biggrin:

It could depend on the exact property you buy. I'm about 4 km in a direct line from the Hobart GPO and can't get ADSL at all - although my 2 neighbours can. :rolleyes:


I'd contact these local resources and get some feedback from them:


Woodbridge Online Access Centre




Westwinds Community Centre at Woodbridge




The Online Access Centre at Cygnet (which is in the Cygnet Library centre)




Transition Town Cygnet website



If you look under Contacts - Group Coordinators, there is an email address for the Coordinator for Communications, so he would probably be in a good position to give you the situation in the Cygnet area.

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Wow thanks Skani for all that info! You should do this professionally ? Will look at those sites and get in touch with some of those people, thank you. Your lack of Internet sounds like a nightmare! How annoying.


Runslikeafish, all relevant information greatly appreciated thank you ?

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That's good to know. I'm going to have to delegate the Internet-investigation task to my husband as I realise I have v little idea about this kind of thing... ? Will pass all the info on to him, thank you!


I'm trying ever so hard to not fill up this board with my never ending questions but...?...I'm having second thoughts about the Woodbridge area. Well, the school actually. I've looked at their results (on the My School website that Skani kindly told us about) and they really are quite poor. I haven't got them in front of me now but I think a that a good proportion of the results were significantly lower than those of other schools. Now I know that results aren't everything and that the assessment process may be flawed in many ways. Certainly we wouldn't choose a school based on results alone. But, there seems to be a definite pattern with the Woodbridge School. Also, although I may have misunderstood the terms and descriptions, the information on the My School website states that more pupils tend to come from disadvantaged backgrounds there than at the average school. This has surprised me. I'm wondering whether our (unfortunately brief) assessment of that area was inaccurate. None of these things are deal breakers as we did love the area when we were there, and the school seems to have a really unique location and curriculum (due to its links with the marine discovery centre). This would be so much easier if we lived nearby (shame we find ourselves about as far away as you can get!!?). I'm getting cold feet about it all now though.


So, after looking at the results tables, I've been thinking about the Blackman's Bay area. There are two primary schools there that have excellent results and seem like good schools. We didn't actually go to Blackman's Bay whilst we were on our reccie though <bangs head against wall>. It looks like a nice, family-friendly suburb. I think the house with land would be out of the question, but proximity to the lovely Hobart and also to Kingston (which we really liked for general shopping etc) would be a big plus.


Any thoughts/comments? A good, happy school for the children is probably the most important thing for us. House etc will all fall into place I'm sure. I hope ?

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I'm trying ever so hard to not fill up this board with my never ending questions....s about the Woodbridge area. Well, the school actually. I've looked at their results ... and they really are quite poor......Also, although I may have misunderstood the terms and descriptions, the information on the My School website states that more pupils tend to come from disadvantaged backgrounds there than at the average school. This has surprised me. I'm wondering whether our (unfortunately brief) assessment of that area was inaccurate. None of these things are deal breakers as we did love the area when we were there, and the school seems to have a really unique location and curriculum (due to its links with the marine discovery centre).


So, after looking at the results tables, I've been thinking about the Blackman's Bay area.


Firstly...don't apologise for your never ending questions. That's the purpose of the forum, after all. :wubclub:


I, too, was very surprised at the discrepancy between the results for Cygnet and Woodbridge. I would have expected them to be very similar...and also exactly the same sort of socio economic demographic. I cannot see why Woodbridge would be considered more socially disadvantaged than Cygnet - they are both, basically, small acre rural areas within commuting distance of Hobart. Neither has social welfare housing estates. I don't know how social disadvantage is measured for the purposes of Naplan. If it is based solely on parents' income, all it may show is that there are more people living self sufficiently in Woodbridge . :biggrin: I have to say that Naplan testing was introduced only in 2008 and there are a lot of reservations about its methods and outcomes and it may, in fact, be a very blunt tool.


Blackmans Bay is a lovely area. As well as the 2 state primary schools there is a Catholic school (St. Aloysius) which is just extending from primary to secondary years, and a Rudolf Steiner school (Tarremah) at Huntingfield.

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Blackmans Bay is certainly a great area. You may not get land in Blackmans Bay (although it's not impossible) but you can get a fantastic view. Also, as you point out, the schools are very good. Personally, Blackmans Bay would be in my top 2 or 3 places to live near Hobart and I wouldn't be surprised if we move there in the next 2 or 3 years.


Once you're here, if you did want to live somewhere more rural, you'd be able to find somewhere suitable easily. There are a lot of rural locations here that are with commuting distance of Hobart so you'll be able to see which ones you like.


...and just to echo Skani's point - don't apologise for asking questions! That is the whole point of the forum! :)

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Blackmans Bay is certainly a great area. You may not get land in Blackmans Bay (although it's not impossible)


Or have a look at the adjacent areas - Tinderbox and Margate. You would have no problem finding acreage blocks there.

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