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Clarification on 190,points and invite!


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Hi everyone,

I just need some clarification on the 190 process. I'm still waiting for vetassess assessment and IELTS result. If I'm lucky with positive results in both we will lodge Eoi and ask for Ss from WA. My question is if I get 8's in IELTs then I will have 70 points if I get 7,s then I'll have 55+5 from SS. Will my points make any difference to priority in receiving SS invite and invite from DIAC to lodge 190?

Ive seen threads talking about people waiting for invites to lodge for those with 60 points.. is this for 190 or another type of visa?



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People waiting with 60 points are waiting for invitation for 189 visa, which are ranked by points and time EOI was lodged. For 190 if state nomination approved you are automatically invited. If occupation is on CSOL you have no option but go for 190.

Ahhh thought so thanks for confirming!

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