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Statistics - time it's taking to find a job in Australia

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Taken from the Career One job supplement in The Advertiser (Adelaide), but the figures will be for Australia wide.


Jobseekers should leave at least 3 months for their job search and be prepared for it to take even longer to get into work or find a better position.

That is the median length of time it is taking unemployed jobseekers to be hired as well as a rough guide for those already employed and applying for work elsewhere.

Time spent looking for work...

1 to 4 weeks - 16%

4 to 13 weeks - 38%

13 to 26 weeks - 18%

26 - 52 weeks - 20%

Whole year - 8%

The time it takes people to get jobs of course varies depending on many factors. This is a guide for people coming over as to how long it may take to secure work. People start panicking when they have been here just for a couple of weeks and don't have a job, but the process of securing work can take time.


In our own circumstances our first jobs back when we arrived in 2007 (and jobs were definitely more plentiful than now in my opinion), my OH gained a temp position with 1 week of arriving and a perm position within 3 weeks of us arriving. I gained a perm position 10 weeks of arriving.


We were both lucky securing perm jobs for our first jobs. I feel if we were arriving now it would be more likely that we would secure temporary contract roles to start with.

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Guest The Pom Queen

A lot of people move over and expect to walk in to a job so its good to see statistics on the length of time it takes. It also allows people to budget for the move

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I am not expert enough to say how big an impact the current economic climate is having, but I have noticed that the recruitment process is painfully slow in Melbourne. I was last looking for work in 2008 and 2009 in the UK (the biggest economic crisis in my generation) and both times was able to find jobs within 2-3 weeks of first seeing the job advertised. I'd see an ad, apply, get a call a few days later to arrange an interview, have a second interview a few days later, then start the following Monday being immediately available on both occasions.In Melbourne I am currently waiting to hear from two jobs that I applied for three weeks ago, I have contacted both directly and been told they have not yet started screening CV's! Another job I had an interview for nine days ago and am yet to hear whether I'd made it to the second stage. Surely they'd have a good enough idea the moment we walked out the room!So frustrating but just the way it is apparently.

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