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Jobs in Armidale


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Hi all

I wondered if someone could provide a little bit of advice/info for me?

My husband and I may be moving to Armidale shortly and we are hoping to live primarily on my wages from a job, which if I decide to take it will bring in $90k (before tax) per annum. If we don't have a mortgage (which seems possible with house privies in Armidale and surrounding areas) and there are just the two of us, does this seem a feasible amount for us to live on? Obviously this would need to cover food, all bills, health cover (I still can't seem to work out how much this would be as a basic cost), taxes, etc? My husband works in IT here in the UK but has no qualifications at all. I think this will preclude him from applying for anything in the area in Oz? If so, we were wondering about a job in retail or the rural industries. Does anyone know what sort of salary he could expect in these sorts of jobs? As I say, initially we would be living on my wages alone and we just don't know if this is feasible. Any help would be most appreciated.

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I'm not completely clued up on all this but from reading the forums etc and if I remember correctly, the average family household income was around $88K (I think). This was likely providing for kids also which I believe are expensive in Oz - well and everywhere else. So I think living on $90K should be more than achievable based on the details you have provided above, particularly if you don't have a mortgage which are costly. As many will point out it's all down to personal choice's and requirements though but I'd say as a ball park figure that should see you fine - not well off but comfortable.


Regarding jobs for your Husband I couldn't comment but it does seem most jobs pay around $15-$20 per hour for some of the more basic jobs. So even if he picked up something with that sort of salary it could bring in an additional $40K.

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This is extremely helpful, thank you so much for your reply. Our minds are starting to become a little more settled I think. Our likes are countryside walks with our dogs (whom we would take over to Oz) and other no/low cost activities. We have never lived extravagantly. The only thing we really couldn't do without is good food and I think that the prices there for food (as long as you eat seasonally) are broadly comparable to the UK? I do worry about the cost of health care, etc, but if people can live off $88k with having to provide for children as well, then I think we should manage...hopefully!

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Guest genorm

It also depends on what he wants to do. There are few jobs in the town, but like most small, country places, a lot of them are Casual - ie, not a fixed job or hours. Dick Smith ( a local electronics/computer retail franchise), want a "Casual" sales person that may suit your husband with his IT background. Other jobs include a cleaner at a motel (15 hours per week), which probably doesn't sound great, but could be a good place to start.


Australian Jobsearch (Aussie equivalent of Jobcentre Plus) is the best place to start - direct link is here : http://jobsearch.gov.au/findajob/searchresults.aspx?Occ=&BroadLoc=1&NewJobs=1&App=&SpecialGroupType=&Keywords=&Postcode=2350&Page=0

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I have never heard if an average family income before, but average single income is around $67k I think so you are over that and in any respects two can live as cheaply as one. Mortgage free will help of course, but best judge if this is you, compare to what you live on now using a conversion rate of about 2.2 not latest FX rates.


I would not have thought your husbands lack of IT qualifications would present any more or less issues than it ever has in the UK. However availability of IT jobs in Armidale could be the issue.


I have never been there, would like to visit one day.

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