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We GOT our "last" VISA


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Hi All

Just to say we GOT the last Visa Confirmation!:yes:

For those of you who don't know.....We are a Family of 5 who all got Visas issued separately!:err: Ranging from 1st one 11.09.07-Until present! (started application in August 06) SO..........Chuffed to bits as you can imagine BUT haven't dared DO anything until we got the go ahead!

Done "lots" of research but achieved nothing concrete! Now the hard work begins and have to turn it around in less than 5 weeks!!!! Is it achievable? Rented House to sort out? City Flat to sort out? Ship to Spain House & Oz AND Dogs to sort out?......Never mind all the other stuff:v_SPIN: Any suggestions to make this as painless as possible? It's NOT going to be is it?

However IT's the result we wanted soooooooooo we'll just get on with it! One day at a time........Wish I was as organised as FamFive........I'm soooo jealous............good on you Ellie and best wishes!

Still have nowhere to live ??? (BUT Thanks Gizmo for the help) and a dilemma with dogs! (Thanks Janette and ALL for your understanding)

Koala? Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?:yes:


THANKS everyone for all your help on POI


Kind regards

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Thanks Ali...................Can't quite believe it!

AND can I say.....your contribution on here is an absolute credit to you......THANKYOU...........not being "gushing"........... just recognise the work that you do and SURE others do as well


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awww I'm filling up now lol -


Actually, it's so nice to read when people like yourselves get granted their visa's especially when it hasn't be so straight forward, it gives alot of people confidence in starting/continuing the process when I'm sure it must have felt so much easier to throw the towel in.


So Well done you lot for keeping at it - hope you've celebrated with some of the sparkly stuff!!



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