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Are there any similar jobs to an RLO role in NSW?


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My partner is due to move to Sydney on a 4year working visa and I will be following in a year with the kids but does anyone know of any jobs similar to a RLO (resident liaison officer) or refurbishment for kitchens and bathrooms supervisor type role. I am currently working in the social housing sector for a construction company and enjoy my job as it involves so much variety but I would appreciate any advise on a role that would best suit my skills with room to expand my knowledge further.

I can't wait to get out there but due to the area will need a job pretty much straight away.


Any feedback is appreciated :cute:



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  • 3 months later...
As you are not moving for over a year, not much point getting specifics at this point, but this is a handy website you can browse through to get an idea.




Seek is an incredible website and nothing compares to it in the UK. In my line of work you normally use specialist recruitment agencies, however Seek seems to have nearly every job possible both public and private sector for Australia and I'm on it several times a week.

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