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How to get a Working With Children card?


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Hi guys,


Could anyone tell me what to do to get a 'working with children card'?


I'm currently in London, I have a full clear CRB and have worked with young people for many years (welfare/education work). I am currently trying to choose between taking a working holiday visa (basically a recce trip) with my partner this Dec/Jan or applying for PR in a couple of years.


I need to work out what I would need to do to ensure I was able to continue to work in my field of work while on a WHV or on arriving with PR.



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A working with children card ( for Western Australia only) will need to applied for once you are here. You can get the forms from the Post Office and they will take a photograph of you. The last time I got my card, I had to get my employer to sign the application form before submitting it at the post office.


The fee varies, depending on whether it is for voluntary work, student or as an employee. It can take up to six weeks to arrive and you will need to have a crim check done here.


Each state has a different version and if you are traveling around Oz, then you will need to apply again for a card in that particular state.

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