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Query regarding 189 (EOI)


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Dear Experts,



I just got ACS confirmation *Thanks to the ACS authority*. I have my IELTS exam 2 weeks from now.


1. Is it OK to apply for EOI (Expression of Interest) for 189 before writing IELTS as I already have the mandated 60 points?

2. Can I update my IELTS score later to them once I get my IELTS score?


Any pointers is most appreciated.


Kind regards,


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you MAY lodge your EOI without the IELTS (and just update it if you have it) if you meet the following:


1. Your score is 60 points without the IELTS

2. You are a citizen of one of the "IELTS-exempted" countries.

3. You have a positive skills assessment from ACS (I don't know if that's the same as the "confirmation" you mentioned).


Good luck.

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I am no expert, but if you have 60 points already, I would file your EOI PDQ. You might as well whilst waiting for your IELTS results as 60 is the passmark and you may be OK for your profession. What's the worst that can happen, you have lost the IELTS fee, not the end of the world, but if you wait and don't file your EOI, you could be missing out on the chance of an earlier invitation.

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