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Graphic Designers can no longer get State Sponsorship!


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I just found this today, ACT has marked Graphic Designer as Closed on their list. ACT was unfortunately the only state offering sponsorship to graphic designers.


On contacting the website this is what they told me "The status’ for some occupations have been changed with effect from 1 July, this included Graphic Designer ANZSCO 232411 which is now a ‘closed’ occupation. The new list should be available on our website in August. Graphic Designer ANZSCO 232411 will stay a ‘closed’ occupation on the new list."

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i wonder if there is a way somehow, as whilst looking at the occupation ceilings, it has graphic designers listed and the number 1 by it






[TD]Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators


[TD=align: right]3420[/TD]

[TD=align: right]1[/TD]




and that is for 2013-2014


There are 4 occupation codes under 2324 -


Graphic Designer -232411

Illustrator - 232412

Multimedia Designer -232413


Web Designer - 232414


A Csol occupation requires state nomination for General Skilled Migration.

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