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Applying for Rentals

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Got two home opens tomorrow and the next day in perth. Both up there in our favourites list. Can we apply for both and if need be, turn one down?


Do you have to pay anything to make applications?


Can I flood apply for loads and pick the best from whoever accepts us??

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We are not there yet, but I have read of people who have applied for 5 or 6 rentals at a time. I believe some agents charge for making an application, but hopefully someone will be along who can confirm this. You might want to put this on Perth Poms for a local response.


Good Luck tomorrow.

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You have to pay one week's rental as an option fee for each application for rental in Perth. This was going to be changed sometime real soon - sorry can't remember when - to $50 or $100 as an option fee. So you cannot just apply for loads. Once your application has been processed (like within 2 days) you lose your fee if you do not take rental - makes it difficult. Try and check out when new real estate law comes in as you could probably afford to lose $50 or $100 if you applied for two as opposed to one week's rent.


Update - new law started 1st July -


From next financial year, the option fee will be capped at $100 for properties with rents under $1200 and $50 for rents under $500 a week.



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