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Shipping a houseplant??


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My husband is emotionally attached to a house plant. We managed to confirm with DAFF that this type of plant can be brought into Australia but it needs to have some things done to it and shipped properly. I am yet to find a company that can help us do this - anybody know of a company that can help?

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Guest dragon1970

You must obtain a certificate from the relevant organistation here to declare the plant is free of any visually detectable pests. Might be costly.

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Actually the plant needsd to be stripped and quarantined - perhaps there is a certificate involved somewhere but it needs to have these things done to it, shipped accordingly and received at the other end - I'm in Oz about to have a baby and my husband is frantically working full time in the UK. I am hoping there is a company that will help us with this :biggrin:

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I know dozens of growers/farmers that have brought over new plants/cuttings/seedlings etc and the fall out rate due to time and lack of knowledge in quarantine is extremely high.


I don't know the rules and regs for importing plants but most reports I have heard have been that its normal to lose 60/70% of the stock in quarantine. We import cut flowers weekly from overseas, and its fraught with all sorts of problems (and extremely expensive) and they have no roots or earth attached. They do however require fumigation with methyl bromide. Some flowers even require devitalization, which is them being put in round up for a period of time so that they cannot be used to re-produce the flower from cuttings.

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Thanks so much for your responses. I think becuase we only have one plant to ship, there isn't really an agency that can help us now from my research.


I will look into doing it ourselves but its not looking too good for my husbands poor plant!

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