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457 to Permenant Residency

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Hi All


So following some advice and before I go off and contact an agent I thought I would see what advice I could get here.


Basically I am a Geologist and I came over in May 2011 on a WHV. I got a job with my current company pretty much straight away and worked for them for the full 6 months allowed on my WHV before getting my 457. Due to a mess up by my company in getting the 457 at the end of the 6 months I had to resign for about 3 weeks before being rehired when my 457 came through.


What are my basic options? I have had a look at the immi website and I am slightly confused. I have been looking at the company sponsored residency visa I have to work for them for 2 years so would this mean the two years would be the time when I was rehired?




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Hi Paul

There are several options available to you - however the devil is always in the detail. Time on WHV won't go towards 457 time as they are different visas. AS weknow in the Geo space the job market can turn on a sixpence. Both for better or worse so you have to bear this in mind when looking at your options. Skilled Occupations can leave and come on to this based on supply and demand. Phamacists for instance have been flagged to come off the list due to oversupply.

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ok so pretty much confirmed my suspicions on the employer sponsored visa. Are there any other options? The problem is my 2 years would be the start of January-ish at which point I don't know if geo's will still be on the skills list.

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