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Hi New to forum and we just sent our skills assesment


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Hi all found this forum on Google and really glad i can learn and talk to ppl who are going through this at the moment.


We just sent off our skills assesment which was stressful to get it all organised.

We are using Agent but regretting it now as feel i could have done a better job doing it myself and been less stressful. But they have alredy been paid etc so might as well stay with them for the time being.

We are trying to get a visa through my hubby's skills. He has 3 trades of welding, Machining and Fabricating so fingers crossed it should all be ok from here.

He has his IELTS on 22nd June so that will be another thing ticked off the list of things to get sorted.


Have two young girls one just about to turn 3 and other nearly 10months old.


So looking forward to bringing them up in OZ.


Looking forward to (fingers crossed) moving out next year and starting a new chapter

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Hi shearer


We are in exactly the same situation as yourself. My partner is a welder and skills assessment just gone off from

Agent after five months of prep! I just found out there's a practical test on in London on June 28th as well which is quite annoying as we would like to have had it all through to sit as god knows when then next one is.


I'm thinking About doing next bit myself, what about you?

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Hi Juliaoz01,


My hubby put down machining as main trade so he did not have to spend more money than was needed so does not have to do practical. Have already done most of next part filling in very long form ect but just need to get our medical cert - police check and my 9month old a passport. That is this weeks task. So by time we have IELTS results in we should have everything ready to go.

I am in 2 mind about doing next part myself as hard part hopefully done now. I am going to check with them exactly what the next couple of steps are and the time scale for everything. If i feel they are taking the piss again then i'll take over and do the next part myself. I just feel that we have paid them to do nothing. Always trying to ask for money for something else.


How are you getting on for the next part?

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Hi shearer


Have you actually applied for your visa after your eoi? We were told police checks and Medicals were last after looks like visa will be granted.


Well, I think they've just gone to the far end of a fart with our skills application and its took 5 months and cost us £1300 plus the ielts plus the £400 paper skills and then if he gets that ok it's a grand for practical.


I was looking at the schedule tho and we are paying them another £2k to do eoi and visa as like you say it's meant to take the stress out if things..... Ive never been so stressed ever so far! I feel like a stalker asking them what's happening all the time and I get a bit of an arsey response to be honest. I dunno if they'd be happy to get rid of me!


It's costing us a bomb already I just don't know if it would be a bit more than we can afford. We've got 3 dogs to

take and really wanted to go about march next year.


Where abouts are you hoping to go to?


P.s by the name shearer I was just wondering of you were in the north east as we are

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No not yet they have just sent skills assessment away so waiting to hear back from them tomorrow. We had big complaint with our visa company other week so have a new case manager who seems alot more competent. Well we will see lol.

Was advised that getting medicals etc started can speed up time frame later on. Just wanted everything done so i can then relax knowing.


Its so much more expensive than i thought it would be. We have the fee to go to the Australian government. Not aware of other fees as of yet. Plus trying to save at the same time.


We are hoping to be heading over in April/May 2014. Depending on where hubby gets best job offer depends where we will be heading. Its looking most likely Perth but Gold coast is also looking good as have found a few contacts.


Hubby from up North (Inverness origionally then Thurso) but im from west coast Scotland.


We now stay in the east of Scotland tho.

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