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certifiers for vetasses...help


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Help...im trying to get my docs certified and looked at the list and solicitor is not on it public notarys are but charge a bomb!! I just spoke to my local pharmacist who can do this but they sounded confused when I mentioned 26 documents!!! Help has anyone used a pharmacist to certify their docs and how much did they charge...i submitted my application on line last Friday so keen to post all docs to OZ asap!!


thanks (stressed out!!)

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My partner is a welder and we had ours certified by a solicitor so I'm not sure why you can't use them?


I looked on the list of people who can certify under vetassess and solicitor is not on the list?? They also wanted to charge me 5 quid per doc!


did vetassess aceept solicitor?

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Yes, they certified all out docs and £5 a doc was what our charged but if you have a lot they will prob agree a fee


thanks, Ill see if the pharmacist will do it for 'free' otherwise I will try and find a solicitor..i still find it weird a pharmacist or vet can certify docs!!??

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