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Dear all,


For anyone worried about this myth on how hard the ielts general is, let me put your mind at rest.

I'm a plumber and i just got 8's and above across the board.

I'm from the uk and yes it is a stressful day but with about 4-6 weeks revision it can be passed.


To be honest i completely fluffed the long turn on the speaking (well under a minute and not fluent at all)

the best thing to do is just pick yourself up and keep going.

I am in no way, shape or form an academic person at all but i wanted this bad.


For the writing definetely and i highlight this, use the IELTS RYAN essay structure (4 paragraphs) it works a treat and saves time on the day.

I used an ielts dictionary to pick up some fancy words and have been listening to radio 4 for the last 6 weeks!

For the listening and reading use the cambridge ielts books. listening was my weakest and this helped alot.

Questions that were quite tough in both of these were the old faithfulls such as true, false, and not given.

To be honest do not overlook the speaking because it can catch you out on the long turn like it did with me(tough topic)


You may come away on the day feeling like you did not do well but try to get past it and just wait out (it took me about 2 days and then kept the worrying to myself for the next 2 weeks)


Anyway good luck to everyone and just believe so hard and you will get it!



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Well done on passing. Just a side note though, and not a lot of people know this, if you don't know much about the subject you're given for your 'talk 2 minutes about...' then you can ask for a different subject.
Thanks for that tip gbuss. I'm due to sit the test next month so that's good to know!
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Dear all,


For anyone worried about this myth on how hard the ielts general is, let me put your mind at rest.

I'm a plumber and i just got 8's and above across the board.

I'm from the uk and yes it is a stressful day but with about 4-6 weeks revision it can be passed.


To be honest i completely fluffed the long turn on the speaking (well under a minute and not fluent at all)

the best thing to do is just pick yourself up and keep going.

I am in no way, shape or form an academic person at all but i wanted this bad.


For the writing definetely and i highlight this, use the IELTS RYAN essay structure (4 paragraphs) it works a treat and saves time on the day.

I used an ielts dictionary to pick up some fancy words and have been listening to radio 4 for the last 6 weeks!

For the listening and reading use the cambridge ielts books. listening was my weakest and this helped alot.

Questions that were quite tough in both of these were the old faithfulls such as true, false, and not given.

To be honest do not overlook the speaking because it can catch you out on the long turn like it did with me(tough topic)


You may come away on the day feeling like you did not do well but try to get past it and just wait out (it took me about 2 days and then kept the worrying to myself for the next 2 weeks)


Anyway good luck to everyone and just believe so hard and you will get it!




Well done. You are right there are a lot of myths about how hard this test it. For English speakers that is, I can imagine it would be vey hard if English is not the first language.

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yes gbuss thats true but my head was pickled. it was talk about an unusual job, so i thought yeah no probs, but my mind just went blank even after writing things down for a minute to help me along. radio 4 is exellent if you listen and pick up words and phrases then use a dictionary to find out the meanings. another good tip is build up a few A4 pages of words along with phrases that they can be used in. everyday at work i was able to look over this list and keep it fresh in my head for the writing test and also quite useful for the listening test.

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I said zoo keeper thinking my farming background would keep me goin, aye right! seriously ive spent the last 2 weeks worrying that i failed the speaking on the long turn! definitely worth a few rehersals!

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