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Brit coming to Oz - advice needed


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Hi all


I'm landing in Cairns on the 10th June and hoping to start my working/travelling trip from there and work my way down the East Coast. Does anyone know what the job situation is like in Cairns/Gold Coast? I keep hearing how expensive Australia is. I have a few thousand saved for 9 months travel, was hoping to work along the way, maybe 2 months in every place. Is this realistic? Any advice is appreciated.


Thanks so much


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Hi sabrina,


Im planning to head to cairns in june too! Ive been told the job situation is not too bad, and the earlier in the season you arrive the better.

If you dont mind me asking where are you planning on staying when you arrive? I might do the ultimate oz package, but they book you into gilligans which might not be great after 30 hours on a plane!


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@Tayloal - thank you so much for the job links, they are really helpful, I've noted them down for when I land.


@Pau93939 - what is the ultimate Oz package? Is that through STA? I'm thinking of staying in the same place that @nickachu has recommended. I'm not looking for a party hostel.


@nickachu - thanks for the tip.



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Its this http://www.ultimateoz.com/ (select the cairns package). Not through STA though. Thats the only downside of it really, that they put you in a party hostel. so im not sure about doing it. I can easily organise my own bank accnt etc, so im not sure why I want to do it!

If I cant find a job in cairns i might head to tully, and this hostel http://www.bananabarracks.com/, fruit picking has its advantages and disadvantages though..


@nickachu how did you find the job market?

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