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Carpenter vetassess practical 25 May 2013, HELP!!!


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My OH is having his carpenter vetassess practical in London on 25 May.


Over the past months of using this site I have come across people giving information about what it is exactly they have done on this assessment.


But now the time has come I can't find this info.


Can anyone who has been through this before please let us know what it is he will be doing and maybe pictures.


Thank you so much.

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I don't know what it is, but I have heard that it is nothing that someone in the trade would have any difficulty with. The tests are there to filter out the fraudsters.


Don't worry. Hopefully someone will be along soon.

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Hi I done the tech interview instead of the practical so I'm not a great help but I'm pretty sure you have mark out and assemble a hip roof this is done on a sheet of ply a wall plate is fixed around the perimeter and a little stud wall built at one end with you commons and you're hip rafters coming of this, there might be a saw horse to make as well and they will ask questions through the day, search through the search engine on this site I'm sure you'll find more info.

cheers Chris

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Here, Also my OH did it last year said was easy but tell your OH to brush up on his Health and Safety questions as they will ask alot throughout the day. They will ask some Ozzy ones too but in my OHs class he was the only one who could answer them as he has worked in OZ on a WHV before.... The Practical side should be fine ..Easy for a chippie.





http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/177477-can-any-one-help-carpenter-joiner-vetasses.html THIS IS THE ONE WITH PICTURES

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Here, Also my OH did it last year said was easy but tell your OH to brush up on his Health and Safety questions as they will ask alot throughout the day. They will ask some Ozzy ones too but in my OHs class he was the only one who could answer them as he has worked in OZ on a WHV before.... The Practical side should be fine ..Easy for a chippie.





http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/177477-can-any-one-help-carpenter-joiner-vetasses.html THIS IS THE ONE WITH PICTURES


Hi kimsdu



When your OH passed his carpenter assessment and was awarded his AQF III, did you use the 10 points under the educational qualifications where it states 'You have completed a trade qualification for award by an Australian educational institution.' or 'You have attained a qualification or award recognised by the relevant assessing authority in determining your skills for your nominated occupation.'


We are not sure if we can top up our points by doing this or not.

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I know the other replies provided reassurance, my hubby did his last year in Preston and we were really stressing about it too. The guys who assessed him were really relaxed. As long as your hubby is a carpenter and isn't trying to wing it then he'll be absolutely fine. My hubby said that's it's all pretty standard basic stuff that they're looking for - he'll be fine. Good luck!!

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