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"A" Grade Electrcian - any work for us on the mines??


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Hi all,


I'm pretty new on this site, so forgive me if I'm repeating anything previously posted.


I am an "A" Grade licenced electrician, living in Perth. I have been here for 18 months, but been working in a different field, off the tools since my arrival.


I'm trying to find out if there's any work for regular sparkies on the mines, though?? I think I'm classed as an electrical mechanic over here. (Applied on visa as General Electrician)


If there IS work for electricians, can anyone tell me which websites to look at, which agencies to register with, or anything that may help? I "accidentally" gave my email address to a crowd called "Mining Australia"and they have been hounding me to sign up with them for assistance to find a job. They want about $200 for the privilege, and still don't guarantee to actually find you a position, it's more like a helping hand to point you in the right direction. I might sound like a scrooge, but I'm not paying anyone anything unless someone else can verify that they are legit and have helped anyone else??


I regulary look on SEEK, but all mining jobs seem to want previous mining experience. How many people arriving in Aus have previously worked on a mine?????

Did you need to do any special courses to get into that sector?


Any tips or helpful info would be brilliant!

Thanks in advance.

From Jaybay

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Things are tricky at the moment, most gold mining companies, even ones that are doing well, are trying to cut costs wherever they can. This means not replacing personnel when they leave, or cancelling job adverts etc. Instead of replacing staff they will try and use contractors where possible, so that may be your best bet. Hahn Electrical are pretty big contractors here but a brief look at their website says it all: http://www.hahnelec.com.au/index.php?id=employment

Other than that try Infomine, they usually have a mix of adverts from recruitment companies and mining companies: http://australia.infomine.com/careers/jobs/job942986/high.voltage.electrician.aspx


Mining People is also another avenue to explore, they have job adverts as well as keeping people on their books for short term contracts.

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Thanks fourcorners,


I will def check out the 2 sites you suggested.

Just thankful that I already have a job, and not still battling to get in somewhere.

I have heard that a lot of times its a case of WHO you know, rather than WHAT you know, with regards to getting a foot in the door with the mines. But maybe I'm wrong :biggrin:

Thanks again.


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It is hard at the moment for someone with no mine experience to get in, as there have been a lot of people laid off, so there are a lot of experienced guys looking for jobs - i get regular emails from guys i know looking for work at the moment.


There is a long shot you could try. Try Barrminco and Boart Longyear. Both provide underground drill rigs, which are electrical.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I will look into both websites you suggested. You never know...






It is hard at the moment for someone with no mine experience to get in, as there have been a lot of people laid off, so there are a lot of experienced guys looking for jobs - i get regular emails from guys i know looking for work at the moment.


There is a long shot you could try. Try Barrminco and Boart Longyear. Both provide underground drill rigs, which are electrical.

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