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Anyone flew with Emirates recently migrating and got 45kgs included?

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We got he extra baggage through anz and emirates but had to phone and sent them email before they gave it. They were really good when we phoned. Think they woman was actually chatting up hubby. Although did feel we had too many bags when we arrived and packed a load of winter stuff. Wooly hats Not really needed in Queensland. I would phone again. Worth a try.

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i emailed them with all details for a quote they replied asking for all details - even though had clearly stated in mail I sent initially and now nothing do they take some days to come back with quote?


Yes they do. The original email gets passed on to someone else and I'm not convinced all the information was sent through to the second person I dealt with. I also, very early on, had to send copies of our passport and visa through. I was really suspicious initially but actually they were marvellous once they came back to me. They primarily deal with refugee flights and the migrant flights are an add on and use any unused seats they have been allocated. Be patient. They are worth the wait (their prices certainly were!)

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