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Expression of Interest with 60 points


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My son is lodging his EOI as a Software Engineer (261313) with 60 points.

On average how long does it take to get an invitation? From the perspective of people that have been invited, are 60 points enough or would he be relegated to the bottom of the pile?


If he gets an invitation he would be applying for the 189 skilled visa. On average how long are these visas taking?


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There are some reports on the skillselect website that will give you an idea of how many people are being invited forward and what the break down of the points are. Link for the last March round here: http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/index/reports/report-2013-03-18/


I don't know how many rounds those on 60 points are taking to be invited forward.


We had 70 points are were invited forward on the first round after submitting our EOI. EOI submitted 23rd December 2012, 189 Grant was 8th April 2013. We had a relatively straight forward case and also had a 20 days between invite and submitting our visa application which we used to get as much information together as possible.

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deldesouza4369, howcome there is no mention of 190 visas in the report?


Yeah good question, I've no idea why the 190 visas aren't in there. DIAC stopped including 190s after the last December intake. Some have suggested in other posts that 190s are being invited outside of the regular 2 invitation rounds per month; as and when state sponsorship is granted, so if that were the case then I can see why they wouldn't be reporting in the bi-monthly reports.


But (big caveat) I don't know that for sure, I'm just speculating based on what others have advised.

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