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Bunbury vs Perth


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I am a Registered Nurse and I've been offered two jobs... One in Hollywood Hospital in Perth the other in Bunbury. Hubbie's and chippy and we have no kids. We lived on the Gold Coast for two years and have been in the UK for the last two years but thankfully we're about to return and want to try WA. Anyone out there who can fill me in on Bunbury vs Perth to help us solve our dilema.



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Go for Perth definitely, although it is far more expensive to live here than in Bunbury. Especially if you have no kids. Try to find somewhere close to Hollywood Hospital e.g. Nedlands, Shenton Park or Subiaco, if possible.

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I don't think anyone can answer that for you, both are very different places. Perth is a small city with a sprawling metropolitan area - Hollywood hospital is in a well-heeled area close to the centre - the places Mr Moose mentioned are all fabulous places to live but probably not in the price bracket of a nurse and a chippy - unless of course you have a decent nest egg tucked away. There are plenty of sites giving the median house prices by suburb in Perth so I'd check those out. There are plenty of nice enough places you could afford to live, it'd just mean a commute.


Personally I don't like the the urban sprawl that is Perth, and I would personally prefer Bunbury - that said I have only ever been on holiday which is quite different from living there. Bunbury is a small country town, with everything you need and with the Kwina freeway now extended, it would be perfectly possible to do day trips to Perth from time to time (or better still a weekend!)


The benefit is being just that bit further South, the worst of the summer weather is tempered, there is a reason that most Perthites love going 'down South' :)


Perth is probably the 'safe' option - not that many people don't like Perth (I just happen to be one of them!) whereas regional living is more challenging, however I don't recall any negative posts about Bunbury.

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Jules is spot on - depends what you are looking for. Personally I prefer the smaller country town feel and the lifestyle down south would suit us better - that said we have 2 small children and are not out partying on a regular basis! Busselton, Dunsborough and Margaret River and all they have to offer would be in easy reach too. Perth offers the obvious benefits of being close to a city and as far as cities go Perth is lovely however a commute might need to be considered depending on which suburb you choose to live in! Good Luck!

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