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116 visa - carer


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It is uncommon to see someone apply for that visa. What is your story? Some on PIO have become adept at working way round the immigration website and might be able to provide useful comments, but only if we know your story.

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I have had a look around, really cannot find that much more information than is on the www.immi.gov.au website. The waiting time is likely to be two years or so, this is indeed because there is a cap on the number of such visas granted each year.


I thought the key things to take note of (from the intranet site) were that you would need to demonstrate a god understanding of the care needs. Also that the care needs to be sch that it cannot be "reasonably obtained' via Australia's existing medical and welfare services. That is really a puzzle to me, I would have thought most needs could / would be taken care of however if that were the case then there would be no reason for this visa to exist.

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