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Is the medical gonna screw us?


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Hey guys, I recently sent an email to the Australian Immigration people.

We are a family, myself 36 (carpenter) wife 35 (teacher) and three kids 5,3 & 2.

My daughter has scoliosis which causes a slight curve to the spine. She will need to wear a brace

until she's a teenager where an operation will be carried out to maintain her spine.

My two boys are both diagnosed ASD (Autism)

The reply I recieved from the Australian government said that a medical will be carried out by a doctor who will

assess each person and put a figure on their medical costs to the tax payer.


We have plenty there on our plates and are wondering if there is any point in putting money into the application process just to fall at the last hurdle?

The two boys are mild/moderate and are progressing well. There is legislation due to be changed by the government to look at each case on its individual

merits as opposed to each child with ASD falling under the "Rainman" umbrella.


My wife teaches special needs so the boys are in good hands at home which apparently stands us in good favour also.


I think it would break our hearts to go through the whole process to be denied at the very end whilst I understand the need to consider

considerable costs to Aussie tax payers. (I wish here was as considerate to it's tax payers regarding immigration)


Anyone any experience of our situation? Should we try it and face whatever comes our way? We would love to make the move as we know it would give all the kids a better life but at the end of the day it won't be the end of the world and they'll get the best we can give them here at home.


Cheers guys Peter

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i'm not sure its part of the procedure, if you ask nicely though you may be lucky :wink:


in all seriousness though, it may be worth getting the medicals done first, tell the guys at the clinic your situation.

it will likely cost you a couple of extra thousand, but the peace of mind will be worth that 10x over.

the medicals do go out of date after a year, so you will likely have to do it twice.

better than than have a huge outlay and a worry hanging over you for a couple of years while in the 'system'

chat to an agent also, what they dont know about the system probably isnt worth knowing.

best of luck :biggrin:

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