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Exchange rate (I wish I had a crystal ball!!)


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16 days till we fly......


OK so I knew I should have been more organised and got AU$'s a few weeks ago...... the exchange rate is horrendous at present and doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon.


Not sure whether to

(a) get a minimal amount of AU$'s in cash to take with and use debit card for the rest in the hope the rate improves during our 3 week reccie; or

(b) take no cash and just use debit card......


Any clairvoyants out there who can help???

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You need to ask yourself if you can see any reason why it would improve in the short term? I can't. There is no physical reason why the pound can't go to 1:35US. It's been there before. That would make it 1:30AUD. Even at this level, there is no reason why it can't go lower. Hell of a good time to return to the UK. Hell of a bad time to go to Oz, unless of course you have little money, and then it makes no difference.

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You need to ask yourself if you can see any reason why it would improve in the short term? I can't. There is no physical reason why the pound can't go to 1:35US. It's been there before. That would make it 1:30AUD. Even at this level, there is no reason why it can't go lower. Hell of a good time to return to the UK. Hell of a bad time to go to Oz, unless of course you have little money, and then it makes no difference.


Good point!


We have to validate instead of move for good in 2 weeks as we need to get our finances in the UK sorted before the big move. We won't be able to take much with us when we do go in 2014/2015 so it will be almost like starting over.... We've done it once before when we moved to the UK and we are sure we can do it again - only difference this time is that we have 2 little ones in tow!

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