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driver's licence please help

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I am in perth on 176 visa and nothing seems to work for me and no job for last three months. So I am going to give that a try in other state as well. At the same time since my brother is in Sydney I am thinking to go and live with him for a while and probably apply for my drivers licence etc as living without a job, paying rent etc has become a real issue since I am not employed. Now for the licence i need to show RTA proof of residence and i have to give them a bank statement. in this case i will have to change the address from perth to NSW. if i do that will this have any effect to my visa as I have not told the immigration about my move as I will be going to sydney temporarily. I am worried about this as with the bank details they ask for the tax file number which has a link to my visa status. pls advice. thanks

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I Googled this and I see there have been plenty of questions in the past on this and other forums. Some people talk of a 'moral' issue, I see, which I suppose is committing to one state then moving to another but I don't know if there any legal issues about it.


I don't think that the ATO and the Immigration Department swap information with each other regarding your visa and your TFN. I could be wrong of course.


Why not just ring DIAC and ask them?

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What kind of work are you looking for..If I may Ask...I am about to land in Perth ,this april 2, and I am also activating my 176 visa...

Is there any accomodation available..in areas within budget...Kindly lemme know..


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