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Citizenship ceremony in Sydney - any experience with wait for Woollahra and Waverley Councils?


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Thanks for the responses! Looks I should be preparing for a 7 month wait then. Not the end of the world. I was on a bridging visa for an eternity before PR. Are there any restrictions on travel between being applying for citizenship and the ceremony? Presumably, as long as I make sure I'm in the country for the ceremony, that's all that matters? Many thanks again.

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im in Queensland and it is taking over 6 months so far to get a ceremony. I have enquired at 2 councils how I can transfer to another council and both are saying different things. To date it has stopped me from applying for 2 federal jobs, and the uncertainty of when i am going to have it means I cannot travel abroad for work and have had to postpone a holiday abroad. I cannot praise DIAC for their speedy and quality service. The time from applying to being approved was 9 days - an incredibly fast time. However, this last stage is just a complete shambles. My local council clearly does not use venues big enough to cope with demand or run them often enough. I run events regularly for 300-400 people and can sort them out in a matter of days yet my council only does them once a month for 50 people a time. Surely it is not that hard to run multiple sessions on a Saturday!

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Having applied and been approved on February 12th 2013 for Citizenship. My wife and kids applied on the same date and were approved 3 days later (21/01/213). This could have been due to a change in Minister?

I am also awaiting a ceremony date, which I have been informed possibly April, worst case June. Can anyone that has applied in December 2012 confirm if they have been notified with a date yet (Brisbane Council area)?



Citizenship Application- Australian Citizenship by Conferral - General Eligibility (On-line) 03/12/2012, Application received 03/12/2012, Interview and Test 18/01/2013, Application approved 12/02/2013, Ceremony Date....Waiting

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit less than four months from time of approval (for my OH) to the actual ceremony here in Perth. The City Of Vincent, here in inner city Perth is arranging a ceremony on the local oval this Sunday as part of the St Patricks Celebrations.


Have been told some 40 people to be in attendence. Great idea to combine it I think.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...
Thanks! 4 months since passing the citizenship test. That seems a long waiting period ...


Hi LucyQ,


I just wondered how long you waited for your ceremony in the end in Woollahra council. I had my test on Friday so just trying to gage rough waitlist times. Thanks

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