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Emigrated to Canberra - IT work on Partner visa ?


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Right a few questions rolled into one that I hope someone can help me with.


I'm trying to understand what the IT Job market is like in Canberra for a non Australia citizen as I understand I won't be able to work for government agencies etc being British etc.


I'm still not sure what way is best to get my partner visa (Aus girlfriend of 4 years just moved to Canberra to go Uni) (in the UK or in Aus) and while that is being processed can I have working conditions lifted ?


Any help would be great!



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Canberra is not that good for IT and unless you have some really whizz bang skill set then the majority of jobs are going to be out of your range. Even some short term contracts with non government agencies may well be out of reach because they still often require security clearances. Short term contacts might be all you can aspire to unless you can get permanent residence so you might have to be prepared to take anything as long as it is a job. I don't know what you mean about having working conditions lifted but on a WHV you will have to go regional for a while to get an extension and if you get a defacto visa then it is likely to be temporary anyway for a few years. Either way, your visa status won't be good for ongoing employment. You'd be better to get the defacto visa before you start

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